Source: Newsen, @acube2011
by VITALSIGN on February 21, 2011

用神秘感引起好奇心,Cube即將推出新女團“A Pink”

如今4minute、BEAST都已成功站穩腳跟並進軍日本,G.NA憑藉新曲“Black & White”也處於上升期,或許已經到了推出新人的合適時期了吧。7人新人女團“A Pink”就適時地出現在了大眾面前。值得一提的是Cube這次特別成立了子公司A Cube,來負責A Pink的活動。也許是借鑒了4minute出道時只公開剪影MV的方法,這個A Cube公司則採用了通過twitter一名一名公開成員的策略,以引發人們的好奇心。如同第一張圖所展現的,目前已有3名成員公開。那麼來一一瞭解下已經公開的成員們吧。

首先出現在人們視線中的成員是孫娜恩。BEAST大舉積攢人氣的歌曲“Soom”和“Beautiful” MV的女主角都是孫娜恩,但是當時並沒有人知道她是誰,當然了這兩部MV的女主角的角色都有些打醬油。然後偶然的一天,在After School成員Lizzy高中畢業的那天,作為Lizzy的朋友孫娜恩重新獲得了大家的關注。

Lizzy在twitter上公開了兩人的合照並說道:“我可愛的妹妹娜恩^_^!!以後一定要在電視臺見面啊!!”憑藉清純可愛的外貌,這張照片在網上迅速引起了人們關注。隨後不知是人肉搜索太強大還是經紀公司順水推舟,17歲的孫娜恩是Cube公司練習生的事實就被報導了出來,並且作為組合A Pink的成員即將在3月份或4月份出道。可惜的是,人肉搜索從來不會以好的結局結束。孫娜恩在賽我網的ID被盜,於是她便宣佈關閉了迷你主頁。至此事件告一段落,Cube公司也表示除了孫娜恩,A Pink的其他成員以及造型或概念等資訊均無可奉告。

但是沒過幾天,第二名成員就公開了。BEAST成員梁耀燮於16日在自己的twitter上寫道:“Shock Girl!Apink的朴楚蓉。拍攝我們的日文MV一定很辛苦吧,感謝你,Apink fighting!”沒錯,朴楚蓉出演了BEAST歌曲“Shock”日文版的MV。這部MV目前只公開了預告,在預告中朴楚蓉坐在黑色的沙發上,用頗有含義的眼神直視著攝像機。趁熱打鐵,5天之後,A Cube公司的twitter帳號正式開通,同時公開了第三名成員:吳夏英。這次公開的照片不僅有3名已公開的成員,還有其他4名成員的背影和小部分側臉,算是正式開始出道前的預熱了吧。

或許是覺得信息量不夠,緊接著在官方twitter上吳夏英上傳了照片並寫道:“和蓉隊長在拍攝現場…呵呵,對於姐姐來說是秘密哦!”這回爆料就多了,不僅用外表吸引了視線,同時還公開了隊長是朴楚蓉。另外,媒體還報導說,A Pink平均年齡為18歲,有粉絲目擊她們觀看了19日舉行的BEAST的演唱會,計畫3月底出道,但是在3月初會推出真人秀節目。

按照之前公開成員的間隔時間為5天來計算,要到3月中旬時7名成員才會完全公開,或許為了配合真人秀節目的播出時間,A Cube會加快曝光的頻率吧。總之,A Pink目前已經成功引發了人們的好奇心,從已經公開的3名成員的外貌來看,剩餘的4名成員到底是誰、究竟組合是何種風格,都非常值得期待。或許值得期待的還有她們之中有幾名是JYP或其他公司的練習生吧…

A Cube Entertainment’s upcoming girl group, ‘A Pink’, has revealed its third member!

On the morning of February 21st, A Cube Entertainment set up their own Twitter account and welcomed Oh Ha Young as the third member of A Pink.

In the picture revealed, she’s standing beside Son Na Eun and Park Chorong, who were both previously revealed through B2ST’s music videos.

The group is currently scheduled to debut by the end of March, and will be showing their debut preparations through a reality show. The girls are in the midst of finalizing their concept, and will be revealing the remaining four members through their Twitter.

Oh Ha Young, Son Na Eun, Park Cho Rong


A Pink's Oh Ha Young shares a photo with leader Park Chorong

Source: Newsen via Nate
Photo: A Pink’s Oh Ha Young Twitter
by VITALSIGN on February 21, 2011

Ever since A Cube Entertainment announced that they were preparing a new girl group, A Pink has been attracting attention left and right.

The group previously revealed three members, Oh Ha Young, Son Na Eun, and Park Chorong, through their new official Twitter that teased fans with a glimpse of the remaining four members.
Following the post, Oh Ha Young shared a photo of her and leader Park Chorong on her own Twitter on February 21st and wrote, “With Rong leader at the film set.. keke It’s a secret to unni!!”

The group claims to have an average age of 18, and were seen attending B2ST’s encore concert earlier this week. The girls are currently scheduled for their debut next month through a reality program.

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