by sarahsusiepak on February 19, 2011
Singer Park Jung Min has just released an app for his comeback single, “Not Alone“.
The app is available through iTunes for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. For $4.99, fans get the full album, song lyrics, the MV for “Not Alone”, photos, built-in connection to Jung Min’s Twitter feed, and album info.
It’s another way for fans to support him, you can purchase it through iTunes.
蘋果推媒體付費機制 美官方關注是否壟斷
新頭殼newtalk 2011.02.18 王常和/綜合報導
蘋果公司在線上商店iTunes App Store推出線上訂閱服務,但要求內容供應商必須以最優惠訂閱價格上架,而且不能把相關鏈結帶至其他可供訂閱的網站,這些規範已引來美國聯邦反壟斷相關單位的關注。
蘋果公司推出網路訂閱服務,供該公司品牌平面電腦iPad與手機iPhone用戶線上購買報章雜誌等媒體內容,內容供應商業者將被依規定抽成,但無法輕易取得用戶資料權限,而且需要在蘋果公司的網絡商店iTunes App Store上透過應用軟體來加以銷售。
據了解,蘋果公司禁止內容供應商,提供iTunes App Store以外的商店鏈結,或在其它地方為消費者提供更優惠的訂閱價格,此舉讓內容供應商把消費者吸引至自己所屬的網站,變得更困難。
Park Jung Min’s Taiwanese fans brave the rain to attend fan signing
Source: TV Daily via Daum
by wafflecone on February 20, 2011
Park Jung Min, who visited Taiwan on Feruary 17th kicked off his fan signing on the afternoon of the 19th.
Over 500 fans braved the rainy weather to attend the fan signing, held at a Hong Lou gymnasium in Tai Pei.
Park Jung Min said to his fan, “Everyone watch out for the cold and don’t fall” in Mandarin Chinese, to the delight of his fans.
His popularity was proven in Taiwan when a fan stood in line since the 15th to see him.
A three-layered cake along with a figurine of Park Jung Min was prepared for the fan signing. Park Jung Min who saw this said, “Is this really me?“, causing much laughter throughout the room.
Park Jung Min will hold another fan meeting on the 20th.