“舞臺墜落表演”爭議 MBLAQ李准“對不起”道歉

Check out his fall below (at the 3:00 minute mark):

李准20日在自己的CY迷你小窩上發表了道歉的日誌,表達了自己抱歉的心情,“大家都很健康嗎?過得好嗎??我很健康地生活著”他表示:“大家非常 擔心吧…真的是百般個對不起,在MTV舞臺上的墜落是做足安全措施後才表演的…”接著說“舞臺的概念是失敗之後製造新的重生這樣,我是安全地落地了…但對 於這麼多的擔心心情很沉重,好像常常讓大家擔心,真的對不起。”

還說“不久前我過了生日,但最近在公司各種忙碌所以沒有轉達已經收到了的訊息,我會好好珍惜的,收到大家很多的愛所以每一天都很開心,最近天氣還沒有轉暖,穿衣時要注意保暖哦,請不要忘記健康才是最重要的”。李准本月19日在首爾高麗大學花井體育館舉行的MTV DAUM FEST的演出過程中,在舞臺上展開雙臂向著觀眾席似乎失去平衡的樣子向著舞臺下面墜落,特別是由於他最近曾接受精密檢查診斷出耳蝸問題,所以使得粉絲們 更為震驚。但是,負責活動的主辦方mtv方面和經紀公司j.tune Camp都表示這只是達成協議事先計畫的表演,受到了“愚弄粉絲”的指責。

Source + Photos: Osen via Daum
by VITALSIGN on February 19, 2011

On February 19th, MBLAQ’s Lee Joon suffered a 1m fall during the “MTV Daum Music Fest” after losing his balance on stage. After fans discovered that he didn’t go straight to the ER and simply returned to the stage, they began worrying over his condition.

To reassure his fans, Lee Joon left a message on his mini-homepage and revealed that his fall was actually a choreographed part of the performance, which was pre-planned with the show’s producers.
He wrote, “It’s been a while. I hope you are all healthy and doing well. I’m healthy and doing well! You must’ve been really worried over the performance… I’m so sorry. My fall was actually planned with MTV and I fell onto safety equipment.”
Lee Joon continued, “Our performance’s concept was about a doctor creating us but failing, and re-creating us soon after. I was able to safely land, but my heart is heavy over the concerns I’ve caused you. I feel like I’m only making you all worry, so I’m very sorry.”

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