Source: BNT News #1, #2 via Nate

Kara和經紀公司陷入紛爭的Kara引起了粉絲的憤怒。16日,南韓某門戶網站出現了以『Kara,請解散吧』為題目的簽名運動,10萬名支持者簽名的目標截止到18日目前已經有331名網友參與了簽 名。這位發起要求Kara解散簽名活動的網友寫道:『今天看到了Kara成員韓勝妍父親的報道,這是不是太不像話了呢?一直很喜歡Kara覺得她們去日本 會給我們帶來好的面貌……就算不是Kara,也是父母親自斷了孩子的路,現在站在我們的立場上,不看到Kara似乎更加舒服。Kara請就此退出歌壇 吧。』陳述了發起簽名活動的理由。另一方面,14日Kara成員韓勝妍,Nicole,姜智英向首爾中央地方法院提出訴訟請求,表示自己沒有得到應有的報酬,要求法院判定與經紀公司 的合約無效。而成員韓勝妍的父親15日在接受日本富士電視台採訪時表示,Kara的分裂原因在朴奎利身上,引起了粉絲的責難。

The members of KARA, who are currently in a legal dispute with their company, DSP Media, have suffered a rather painful blow, but this time from netizens.

On February 16th, a petition was opened up on the portal site Daum, titled “KARA Just Disband“. The members of this petition are trying to gain at least 100,000 members, but are currently only at 665 members and counting.

The creator of this petition, a netizen who goes by the name “Burning“, stated that, “I loved KARA and supported their Japan debut and expected to see an improved KARA after they came back“, but that he instead got, “People who call themselves parents who block the path of their children, so I think it would be better for us if we didn’t have to see KARA anymore.”


As of 8:45 PM (Korean time), February 18th, the original (stated above) petition has been removed.



日本《報知》2月18日報道稱,“KARA 四名成員(朴圭麗、具荷拉、妮可、姜智英)在2月17日晚上10點左右經日本羽田機場入境日本”,“雖然她們沒有回答媒體的提問,但她們一邊對涌到機場的 500多名粉絲微笑,一邊愉快揮手”,並公開了成員們當時燦爛微笑的樣子。其他當地媒體也一致報道了KARA四名成員出機場時滿面笑容的形象。當天四名成員離開南韓金浦機場的時候,表情非常陰沉。因此,對於她們在到達日本後的燦爛微笑,南韓國內粉絲紛紛留言質疑“為什麽只在日本微笑”、“KARA只會在日本媒體前微笑”。

Tae Jin Ah confirms successful arbitration between KARA trio & DSP Media

Source: Asia E, BNT News, Money Today Star News via Nate
by VITALWARNING on February 18, 2011

歌手協會會長太真兒對“KARA時間”的仲裁似乎達到了預期的效果。太真兒于18日下午在電話採訪中表示:“剛才收到了KARA 3名成員和DSP公司律師們的答覆。”“我們對相關檔進行了討論,前景貌似很樂觀。我們認為仲裁是成功的。最快在明天(19日)就可以和雙方律師坐在談判桌前了。”


After recent reports that the Korean Singers Association president, Tae Jin Ah, would personally be mediating the dispute between the three members of KARA and their agency, DSP Media, a recent announcement by Tae Jin Ah show prospects of a final reconciliation between the two parties.

President Tae Jin Ah told Asia Economy on February 18th, “I received replies from the lawyer representatives of both the three KARA members and DSP Media.”

He continued, “We examined the documents, and we believe we will get a very positive outcome, and we think the arbitration was successful. The lawyers and I will be sitting together on one table to discuss the matter as early as tomorrow (February 19th).”

“On the day of discussion, those who will be present will include myself and the respective lawyers for the three KARA members and DSP Media, as well as the president of the Entertainment Producers Association, Ahn Jung Dae. I will be meeting with the parents of the three members only after in-depth discussions have taken place.”

Tae Jin Ah concluded, “With both lawyers sending positive replies, the possibility of a positive outcome to the situation has increased. Please wait a little while longer.”




Kang Ji Young's father explains Han Seungyeon’s father’s controversial remarks

Source: Newsen #1, #2 via Nate
by VITALWARNING on February 17, 2011


韓勝妍的父親在15日富士電視臺的“Super News”中提到:“leader沒有負起責任,導致出現了現在這種溝通不順利的情況。”姜智英的父親對此澄清說:“leader指的是經紀公司的代表,不是朴奎利。似乎勝妍的父親低著頭有些無力,沒有把話說清楚。”另外,在採訪中姜智英父親還表示希望3人可以轉到別的經紀公司。他說:“希望3人到其它的經紀公司去。很擔心孩子們,這樣訴訟之後經紀公司還會好好照顧她們嗎?好像會受到輕視。”同時對於訴訟一事他表示:“如果他們一直根據原來簽訂的合同做事,這樣的事情根本就不會發生。”

Kang Ji Young’s father recently came forward to clarify the controversial remarks made by Han Seungyeon’s father during a recent Japanese interview.

On February 17th, Kang Ji Young’s father made an appearance on SBS’s “One Night of TV Entertainment” and stated, “The “leader” Han Seungyeon’s father referred to on a Japanese broadcast was not Park Gyuri.”

To recap, Han Seungyeon’s father said the following during the February 15th broadcast of Fuji TV’s “Super News“:“They needed to do this and that and make suggestions on correcting things, but I think the leader failed in their responsibility on that part. This was all caused by bad communication.”

Kang Ji Young’s father clarified, “The leader he was referring to was the agency’s representative, not Park Gyuri. It looked like Seungyeon’s father had his head down and was drained of energy, and said things in a wrong way.”

Meanwhile, Kang Ji Young’s father also confessed that he would like for the three members to receive separate management.

During the interview, her father stated, “I want the three members to be managed separately. It’s because I’m worried for the kids. Would the agency still take care of them well after getting sued? I think they’ll show contempt.”

With regards to the lawsuit, Kang Ji Young’s father said they’re already suffering the “consequences”, “If they adhered to the original contract, this lawsuit would not be happening.”

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