SM強硬對待JYJ 法院駁回一切處分申請

首爾中央地方法院17日駁回SM娛樂對於JYJ3人合約中止假處分以及假處分疑議申請。法院表示:「SM和JYJ的合約違背了藝人享有自我決定的權 利,是一種要求藝人無條件遵守經紀公司單方面要求的從屬型合約」。對此SM則稱:「雙方的法律糾紛尚未結束,這次法院的決定只不過是僅對假處分申請,SM 和JYJ之間的合約並不是無效的,現在仍在本審中,3月中旬將進行雙方辯論。我公司在將在本審中充分闡述客觀事實和真相,積極證明合約的有效性」,表達了 強硬態度。此外,現擔任JYJ經紀公司的Cjes白創洙代表表示:「感謝並尊敬艱苦鬥爭中的JYJ成員和工作人員,我相信真相即是勝利,也希望雙重合約等言論不會再妨礙我們的演藝活動」。

Lee Soo Man’s stocks have jumped $20 million USD in appraised value this year

Source: Newsen, Star News via Daum
by VITALSIGN on February 18, 2011

Despite being just two months into 2011, the appraised value of SM Entertainment’s Lee Soo Man’s stocks has jumped $20 million USD thanks to the achievements of SNSD and TVXQ, placing his total appraised value at $88 million USD as of February 18th.

Lee owns 24.43% of SM Entertainment’s stock (which makes him the largest shareholder), and he became the first ever Korean entertainer to hit the $100 million USD mark in stocks on November 1st. Lee closed the year off on December 30th with a decrease, recording at $68.3 million USD. On February 17th, however, SM’s stocks recorded at $21.75 USD, bringing the total appraised value of his stocks back up to $88 million USD.

Thanks to the success SNSD and TVXQ have been achieving both in Korea and overseas, industry representatives have interpreted the $20 million jump to mean that he will easily record back into the $100 million rank sometime this year.

Courts rule that Crebeau was not responsible for JYJ/SM dispute 糾紛

Source: Nate
by TheNext on February 18, 2011

Cosmetics company Crebeau has been found not guilty for the breakup of TVXQ.

In July of 2009, the three members of JYJ had sued their now former company, SM Entertainment, stating that they were under “slave contracts”. After hearing such accusations, SME released a statement saying that the Crebeau company was to blame, as they were the ones who put such thoughts into their heads.

Upon such remarks, Crebeau fired back, stating that SM was the one that had been hiding the internal problems they had with their own artists, and that the company was purposely misleading the public. Crebeau also proceeded to take legal action against SME due to the defamation of their company.

After reviewing the case this past December, the courts decided that there was an insufficient amount of evidence to prove that Crebeau was guilty, and they therefore closed the case.

Meanwhile, Crebeau has been sponsoring Superstar K contestant Woo Eun Mi and JYJ on their various broadcasting activities.


JYJ(金在中、朴有天、金俊秀)最近接受了入伍體檢。接受入伍體檢是大韓民國所有滿19歲成年男性都要履行的一項義務,而JYJ卻一直到滿19歲多年之 後的25歲才接受體檢。對此,人們紛紛質疑“藝人們不僅入伍的時間能推遲,體檢也能推遲嗎?”由此引發了一場熱烈的爭議。此外,對於推遲接受體檢的做法, 兵務廳表示“他們在19歲時肯定接受過要求體檢的通知書”,而JYJ方面卻表示“現在才第一次接到體檢通知”,說法完全相反。

兵務廳稱, 如果有海外留學或身體健康問題等理由,入伍體檢可以最遲推遲到24周歲。對於JYJ接受體檢過遲而引發的爭議,兵務廳解釋說“JYJ延期是因為出國的問 題”。兵務廳稱“JYJ成員們19歲時肯定向他們發送過要求接受體檢的通知書,但在體檢的時候,由於他們不在國內,無法參加,所以只能自動延期”,“對於 停留在國外的相關人等,兵務廳有一套特別的管理規定,並會計算他們在國內的時間。JYJ三名成員在過去的6年間,在國內的時間不足1年零60天,因此適用 於自動延期的程序”。


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