
Source: SPN via Nate
by ramham424 on February 16, 2011

My Black Mini Dress“ is gearing up to hit the box offices on March 24th, and to kick off its promotions, the film’s official poster has just been revealed!

“My Black Mini Dress” is based on a novel of the same name, and it tells a cute yet intimate story about the lives of four 24 year old women.

Yoon Eun Hye returns to the big screen for the first time in 5 years to portray ‘Yoo Min’, a girl crazy about brand name fashion. Meanwhile, Park Han Byul plays a girl named ‘Hye Ji’ who’s been a celebrity ever since she was a little girl. Cha Ye Ryun is the brutally honest ‘Su Jin’, while Yoo In Na dons the persona of quirky and cute ‘Min Hee’.

Directed by Heo In Mu (whose previous works include ‘Love So Divine‘ and ‘Herb‘) the movie is anticipated to be a big hit in theaters.

Stay tuned to allkpop for previews of the movie!

改編自2009年第5屆世界文學獎最終候選作品的金敏書作家同名小說的《我的黑色小禮服》由尹恩惠,朴寒星,車藝蓮和劉仁娜4位當紅女星出演,開拍之前就吸引了眾人的矚目。本次公開的宣傳海報中同一件禮服多次使用,分別出席畢業典禮,結婚典禮,葬禮以及成人式4個活動,不同的場合搭配不同配件。而黑 色小禮服也算是當今女性們的必備服裝。該海報上的4個時期也暗示了電影將主要描述20多歲女性的故事。以24歲的女主角們為媒介講述了20多歲女性們的平 凡真實故事的《我的黑色小禮服》將於3月24日正式上映。

‘My Black Mini Dress’ is the Most Searched Topic

Source: Nate
by 1takekk on February 18, 2011

The movie ‘My Black Mini Dress,’ which has yet to be released in theaters, is currently the #1 most searched topic on Korean portal site Naver.

Starring Yoon Eun Hye, Park Han Byul, Cha Yea Ryun, and Yoo In Na, ‘My Black Mini Dress’ is about friendship, love, wandering and adapting among 24-year olds Yoo Min (Yoon Eun Hye), Hye Ji (Park Han Byul), Soo Jin (Cha Yea Ryun) and Min Hwee (Yoo In Na).

The movie’s poster also raised interest by styling one black mini dress for graduation, wedding, funeral, and cotillion, and thus marking black mini dress as this period’s ‘Must Have Item’

Yoo In Na, who plays Min Hwee in the film, also proved high interest for the movie by ranking #1 on Naver’s most searched topic and #4 on Nate searched topics.

‘My Black Mini Dress’ will capture the audience’s attention with its honest and lively story of ladies in their 20s, fashionable characters and the ‘IT’ Items. The movie is released in theaters on March 24th.


日前,尹恩惠(윤은혜)、朴韓星(박한별)、車藝蓮(차예련)、劉仁娜(유인나)四位美女演員敲定出演電影《我的黑色小禮服(마이 블랙 미니드레스)》。

電影《我的黑色小禮服》將描寫二十幾歲時尚女性們的真實故事。南韓影視界的四位時尚風向標聚集同一部片子,可謂倍受關注。尹恩惠將在片中扮演少根筋的拜金女“柳敏”、朴韓星扮演出生於演藝世家的“慧智”。另外,心直口快、聰明伶俐的“秀珍”和奢侈女“敏姬”一角,則分別由車藝蓮和Yu In-na扮演。


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