Source: Official MBLAQ Japanese website
by GhostWriter on February 17, 2011

MBLAQ5月進軍日本歌壇 日媒體盛贊歌唱實力

日本某媒體表示,MBLAQ將於5月4日在日本首次發行單曲專輯,並介紹其為「具有壓倒性的歌唱能力和俊秀的外表,絕對是今年韓流的新星人物」。接 著該媒體還稱:「Rain一手培養出的偶像團體性感與幹練的舞台風格並存,他們的歌曲聽過一次就終生難忘」,對MBLAQ盛贊。對於日本媒體如此高的期 待,MBLAQ隊長升昊表示:「我們將會努力希望在日本也能做到最好的表現」,G.O則稱:「將會努力成為偉大的歌手」。此外,MBLAQ於1月10日發 行了首張正規專輯《黑色造型》,現正為主打歌曲《Stay》宣傳中。

In an interview with ELLE Girl in January, the boys of MBLAQ revealed their tentative plans to debut in Japanese market some time in April.

However, it seems the debut has been pushed back to May as MBLAQ’s official Japanese website opened up today with a promotional video stating: May 4th, 2011 debut.

The website also states that the boys will visit Japan on February 21st. They’ve been studying hard in Japanese so it’ll be interesting to see what they have in store for us.

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