JYJ, 병무청 찾아 신검 “결과 기다리는중, 재검 가능성 있다”
Source: Newsen via Nate
by ramham424 on February 16, 2011
JYJ被曝接受入伍體檢 經紀公司表示不會立即參軍
JYJ被曝在14日接受了首爾兵務廳為入伍而進行的體檢。對此,JYJ所屬經紀公司在與TV Daily記者通話時表示:『三名成員接受體檢是事實,但是並不意味著馬上參軍入伍』。同時還表明立場:現在JYJ正在活動中,所以目前不是入伍的時機。 另外,朴有天平時就有哮喘病,有可能會接受復檢。從組合東方神起中獨立的3人組JYJ正透過公演和音樂劇等形式與粉絲見面。
The boys of JYJ (Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu) recently underwent physical examinations at Korea’s Military Manpower Administration (MMA).
On February 16th, a representative from C-Jes Entertainment revealed, “The three members received physical examinations on February 14th. They are currently waiting for the results“.
The representative further elaborated, “The results usually come out quickly, but because Yoochun has asthma, he needs to undergo a thorough medical examination. The members could be re-examined even after receiving their results“.
All three members are in their mid-twenties, but this is the first time that they received physical examinations for a possible military draft. Until now, the boys have been busy carrying out their schedules abroad and thus weren’t able to receive examinations.
JYJ is currently planning to embark on a world tour after Junsu wraps up his musical in March and have no plans to enlist for the military just yet.