Source: Movie Week, @skullhong, @jonekimhyojin
by 1takekk on February 15, 2011


日本人氣漫畫《寵物情人》描寫的是具有高學歷高收入的新聞記者在遭受職場,情場雙失意後,與寵物男邂逅並陷入愛河。《寵物情人》被搬上熒幕,劇中張 根碩飾演夢想成為音樂劇演員和編舞的仁浩,金荷娜則飾演工作能力超強卻人際關系拙劣的智恩,兩人偶然相遇後,慢慢墜入愛河。該片預計在5月投入拍攝。





Actress Kim Haneul has a new pet in the form of Jang Geun Suk!

Kim Haneul and Jang Geun Suk will star in a new film titled, “You are My Pet,” a story about growing up through understanding and caring for one another as pet owner and her pet. The original story was written by the Japanese writer Yayoi Ogawa and was later adapted into a popular TBS drama starring Matsumoto Jun.

FT Island’s Lee Hongki confirmed Kim Hyo Jin’s tweet earlier today that announced the main cast members of the upcoming Korean film that also includes fellow FT Island member Choi Jong Hun.

In the film, Kim Haneul plays ‘Eunee,’ a beautiful and successful woman who is socially awkward. Jang Geun Suk plays ‘Inho,’ an aspiring danseur / ballerino extremely popular amongst women. Through certain circumstances, Inho will live with Eunee as her pet and display various sides of a pretty boy.

According to Kim Hyo Jin’s tweet, a press conference for the production will take place on March 3rd at Ibaraki Airport. The filming will begin in May in both Korea and Japan.

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