by GhostWriter on February 15, 2011
After completing a successful promotion for his solo debut in Korea, SS501’s Park Jung Min has headed over to Japan with YAMAHA Music Media for the release of the Japanese version of “Not Alone.”
The release is in the form of a CD Book, which combines a physical CD along with a 8 page A5 sized photo book. Park Jung Min has been quite busy over the last few days promoting this with events in Kobe and Tokyo.
Following his Japanese tour, he will go to Taiwan to hold his Taiwanese showcase and fan meeting on February 20th, which will kick off his official activities for his Asian tour promotions.
Check out “Not Alone” in Japanese below and remember to support him by purchasing the music.
朴政珉會日粉絲 門票5分鐘掃光
近期專注日韓兩地發展的「SS501」成員朴政珉,為宣傳唱片「Not Alone」和個人寫真集「Present」,日前現身日本神戶舉行握手會和簽名會,限定100張的入場門票五分鐘被掃光,足見他人氣強勁。
- Feb 16 Wed 2011 06:19
sk 朴正珉신나라 日版首單發行 Japanese version of Park Jung Min's “Not Alone” released