Source: New Daily

by VITALWARNING on February 15, 2011

As lawsuit complications between the three members of KARA and DSP Media become more and more troubled with turbulence and uncertainties, veteran singer and president of the Korean Singers Association, Tae Jin Ah, recently came forth to intervene in an attempt to settle the situation.

A representative of Tae Jin Ah told Newsen on February 15th, “The presidents of the Korean Entertainment Producers Association and the Korean Singers Association, Ahn Jung Dae and Tae Jin Ah, have been in discussions for several hours in an attempt to resolve problems between KARA and their agency. Nothing is known in detail, however after receiving information from both sides, we are aware that the members of KARA are also in discussions with DSP Media.”

They continued, “The Korean Singers Association has been managing the Victim Complaints Center to resolve unfair misconduct of singers. The center received information about the current situation of the three KARA members, and when Tae Jin Ah was informed, he decided to personally arbitrate the matter.”

“The biggest problem between the agency and the three members seems to lie in the allegedly unfair sharing of revenue. We think the depth of the conflict is deeper than we first thought.”

“If KARA disbands, not only is it a big loss to the country, but the media will also begin to take notice of every move of the rough patches between a singer and their agency, thus bringing forth unnecessary noise into the industry. We hoped for the situation to resolve as quietly as possible, so we were really upset when KARA’s side filed a lawsuit.”

The representative concluded, “Even though Tae Jin Ah is slowly urging for both sides to reconcile, we feel that it will not be easy to find an immediate agreement.”

According to the representative, Tae Jin Ah is encouraging the three members of KARA to take action, while also asking for the agency to have a more open mind about the singers’ perspectives.





Kara韓勝妍父親發表驚人言論 隊長朴奎利是罪魁禍首?


韓勝妍的父親在15日日本富士TV的《SUPER NEWS》採訪中表示,同所屬經紀公司的問題紛爭隊長朴奎利有著不可推卸的責任,引發矚目。韓某談及作為隊長的朴奎利的素質時還說:『朴奎利好像沒有什麼責任感,貌似沒有好好溝通才導致事件的發生。』將劍鋒直指朴奎利,認為她應該為此事件負責。韓某的這次發言與之前提出訴訟的3人[姜智英,韓勝妍,Nicole]『成員間沒有不和』的言論對立,令人大跌眼鏡。另外他還公開了提出訴訟的理由:『所屬經紀公司根本就不是Kara的後盾,孩子們的未來讓人擔心』。另外,Kara3人在14日向首爾中央支檢法院對經紀公司DSP提出解除專屬合約的訴訟。

DSP Media releases official statement regarding KARA's lawsuit

Source: OSEN via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 14, 2011



DSP方面表示:“目前我們還沒有收到具體的訴訟內容,在瞭解詳細情況後會和律師商議並做出適當的回應。和訴訟無關的是,我們仍會全力確保KARA今後的日程順利進行。”“媒體報導的收益分配等問題只是單方面的主張,大幅歪曲了事實。截止目前為止所有的收益支付都是根據合同處理的,這件事將在之後的訴訟過程中確認。”“現在已經走上了法律程式,所以我們希望3人方面克制沒有確認的單方面的主張。DSP Media也會像之前所做的那樣,最大限度地克制法律程式之外的發言。KARA的未來是首先要考慮的事情。經紀公司DSP Media將竭盡全力圓滿地解決此事。”“DSP方面在事情發生之後,一直在努力解決問題。我們正在期待通過對話解除相互間的誤會時,突然提出了訴訟,令人非常震驚。”

After being hit with a lawsuit yesterday by KARA’s Seungyeon, Nicole, and Jiyoung, DSP Media released an official statement about their position on February 14th.

Through a press report, the agency stated,

“Because we were not delivered the accusation yet, we will speak with a lawyer once it is delivered and take the appropriate action then. Aside from the lawsuit, we will do our absolute best to ensure that KARA’s future activities are fulfilled.

Their claims of flawed income distribution is a huge distortion. All of the payments made by DSP Media were done according to their contracts, and this will be further confirmed through the process of the lawsuit.

The legal process has begun, and we hope that the three KARA members will refrain from making one-sided claims that are unconfirmed. DSP Media will also be refraining from making any statements outside of the legal discussion, like we have done thus far. We will be prioritizing KARA’s future, no matter the lawsuit. DSP Media will make sure that this controversy is resolved in an amicable matter.

Before the three members of KARA filed the lawsuit, we have made repeated attempts to resolve the situation. While we were looking forward to discussions and for misunderstandings to be resolved, the lawsuit has taken us by surprise.”

KARA's Nicole, Seungyeon, & Jiyoung formally file a lawsuit against DSP Media

Source: Star News #1, #2, #3 and Sports Today via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 14, 2011



The contract termination dispute between KARA’s Seungyeon, Nicole, and Jiyoung against DSP Media has escalated into a legal battle.

On February 14th, representatives of the three members filed a lawsuit against DSP Media, asking the Seoul Central District Court to confirm that their three exclusive contracts were invalid. They also claimed that their incomes were not distributed fairly.

Through their head representative, the three members of KARA stated, “Without prior compromise, the agency deducted promotional fees from our income without our consent, which is classified under embezzlement. From January through June of 2010, we brought in $410,000 USD in income, while the promotional expenses amounted to $390,000 USD. The expenses are abnormally excessive.”

They continued, “Even when ‘Lupin‘ was at its highest point in popularity, DSP Media only paid $860 USD per member for a total of six months. The $140 USD that we were paid a month is unfair compared to the income that we brought in.”

Landmark previously sent notice to DSP Media regarding the termination of the three contracts on January 19th. Although the members resumed their scheduled activities, the two parties were not able to come to an agreement during their repeated attempts at reconciliation over the course of 25 days.

The dispute’s escalation into a legal battle has caught both fans and industry representatives off guard, and many are speculating about what this could mean for KARA as a unit of five.

A representative of DSP Media spoke through Sports Today and stated, “We’re shocked. We met several times, but it is true that the dispute went back to first base with each discussion. But because of their ‘URAKARA‘ filming in Japan, we agreed to speak with their parents upon their return. Now that we found out that they filed a lawsuit, we’re just shocked. First of all, we will be having a meeting within our company first before releasing further statements.”

The representative also told Star News, “Their head representative claimed that the girls only received $860 USD per member for six months of their ‘Lupin’ promotions, but that is truly ridiculous. We deducted six months worth of their entire promotional expenses from the profits made off of their album sales. Thus, we did not deduct anything from their promotions in other areas such as CFs. Unlike what the three are claiming, we paid them a larger sum, but they’re claiming as if we’ve embezzled.

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