by VITALSIGN on February 14, 2011

14日播放的SBS TV電視劇《天堂牧場》中,將會上映作為離異情侶的兩人,毫無原則的同居生活並在某天同床共枕的情節。這段期間與牧場的人們迂回鬥爭孤軍奮戰的最強昌珉, 終於成功的獲得了同意書。李延熙為了告知最強昌珉這一消息,一口氣的向他奔跑而去,但是最強昌珉卻始終隱忍不表現自己的真心。最強昌珉向李延熙小聲嘟囔以 示不滿,但是還是經不起李延熙的撒嬌,答應她吉他演奏的請求。氣氛大好的彈起吉他後,卻被李延熙不知是歌聲還是什麼的怪叫聲破壞了氣氛。這樣盡興於祝賀派 對的兩人沉沉睡去,直至第二天的到來。似夢非夢的李延熙望著自己懷抱著的最強昌珉大吃一驚。安詳睡覺的最強昌珉並未經歷這一尷尬,但是他在驚醒以後,兩人 氣場明顯變得超不自然。


Viewers of SBS’s “Paradise Ranch” have been getting antsy ever since it was revealed through still cuts that the lead couple would be spending the night together in today’s episode.

In the drama’s seventh episode, ‘Lee Daji’ and ‘Han Dongju’ end up spending the night together by throwing a special party for just the two of them in celebration of ‘Daji’ receiving her first consent form for the ranch.

The next day, ‘Daji’ unexpectedly wakes up in the arms of ‘Dongju’ and finds herself in an awkward situation after realizing that she stood up her date with ‘Seo Yunho’ as well.

Check out the full episode at 8:50 PM KST on February 14th.

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