Source: OSEN via Nate
by sarahsusiepak on February 13, 2011


13日播出的英雄豪傑成員們都變身成為酒店服務員, 作為酒店服務員的她們接受服侍VIP顧客的任務。為求任務成功, 所有VIP平常喜歡的食物﹑花都要一一準備。Nicole和IU走到釜山市內買Narsha母親喜愛的生魚片, 徐仁英和洪秀兒直接準備了橙汁。各人都以任務成功為目標等待著VIP的登場。不久, 怎麼也預料不到VIP就是自己母親的Narsha和洪秀兒, 因為母親突然出現, 怎樣也隱藏不了臉上的驚訝。

從早上開始一直辛苦的工作的洪秀兒看見母親, 眼眶飽含淚水。 Narsha也想不到一直所做的, 都是為自己母親而準備的。很享受孩子們準備的活動, 第一次來到出演場地的母親, 看著女兒勤奮地工作, 心裡邊感激她們。成員們一起談話時中, 母親說出平時Narsha和洪秀兒的生活模樣, 輕鬆的對話使周圍變成一個笑海。特別酒店為VIP的母親們跟女兒一起在酒店貴賓套房裡渡過一晚, 母親們和Narsha﹑洪秀兒母女第一次的單獨的旅行, 心裡都隱藏不了快樂。其他羡慕Narsha和洪秀兒的成員們也分享了對母親的心聲。

During the February 13th broadcast of SBS’s Heroes, castmembers Narsha and Hong Soo Ah had to become hoteliers, and prepare to treat VIP guests. Needless to say, when the VIP guests were revealed to be the mothers, the two were shocked and broke down in tears. It was the first time the mothers had visited the set, and they were proud to see such hardworking daughters. As VIPs, the mothers stayed in the Presidential Suite, and there was much laughter on the set as the daughters caught up with their mothers.

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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