清純大政絢也賣肉! 裸身擠奶出寫真

日本清純派藝人近日紛紛大轉型,脫去層層外衣展現「最真實的自己」。清純系演員大政絢也即將推出個人第一本寫真《Aya Omasa First Photo Book》,日前寫真封面曝光,大政絢幾乎全裸,下半身只有薄紗裙蔽體,抱膝而坐壓住雙峰,臉上流露出純真的笑容,展現超「萌」魅力。



Source: Sanspo
by Kanki on February 12, 2011

Actress Omasa Aya just turned 20 on February 4th, and on the 12th she held a sales event for her first photobook, “Aya Omasa First Photo Book”.

The photobook will be packed full of pictures shot from Vietnam and Shibuya, and it’ll document her last year as a teenager. Omasa also challenged herself to doing a semi-nude shot. She smiled, “I asked others around me if it was okay to do, but it’s a photobook that will show my self-confidence”.

Omasa also shyly commented on the fact that she is now able to drink alcohol, “Right now, I’ve only drank a little bit of white wine with the staff. In the future, I’d like to gradually be able to drink a bit more”.

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