Source: SPN via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 10, 2011

(News from Innolife)
2008單曲 “孤獨的人生”
2009年該隱與亞伯OST "迷戀的愛"
蘇志燮破格變身為龐克HipHop歌手.他的數碼單曲< Pick Up Line >及MV將於本月中旬公開.

平時私下裡就以HipHop狂熱者聞名的蘇志燮,2009年曾在電影"電影就是電影"裡以歌手G的身份唱過兩首插曲,分別是孤獨的人生和迷戀的愛. 蘇志燮在新歌里充分展示了朋克HipHop的感覺,并展示了粗獷性感的Rap實力.曾以Soya n’Sun組合活動過的實力派歌手朴希鎮(n’Sun)為這首歌配唱.兩人還親自擔任作詞,引起了多方關注.


搞笑版本里,跟蘇志燮私交很好的鄭俊河,以及蘇志燮喜歡的搞笑藝人金炳萬參與演出,搞笑氣息十分濃郁.影像中,鄭俊河和金炳萬結成2人男子組合,蘇志燮和朴希鎮則為兩人服務,非常有趣. 拍攝當時,蘇志燮和鄭俊河,金炳萬等男人之間的義氣和愉快氣氛使現場氣氛非常融洽.

蘇志燮的HipHop音樂< Pick Up Line >及MV將於17日公開.

Actor So Ji Sub’s hip hop debut has been creating quite the buzz amongst his fans, as they viewed the MV teaser for his digital single, “Pick Up Line“!

So Ji Sub is normally associated with the image of a ‘composed gentleman’, so to hear him rap and have fun warmed up his ‘cool’ appeal. The actor helped write and compose the song, and his close friends, Jung Jun Ha and Kim Byung Man, joined in to add a comedic effect to the teaser.

Check it out below!

“Pick Up Line” will be released online starting February 17th, along with the full music video.

So Ji Sub releases second teaser for “Pick Up Line”

Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 13, 2011


蘇志燮的HIPHOP風格新歌< Pick Up Line >的音源和MV正式公開前,14日又通過公開網站(和M-net送出了MV正篇的密照第2彈.第2彈跟上一次公開的和搞笑男藝人鄭俊河,金炳萬一起打造的搞笑版本來了個180度的大轉彎.蘇志燮著一身利落的套裝,戴墨鏡,眼神透露著一種不可思議的氣息.感覺在向世人宣稱,“我在挑戰別人不敢挑戰的事情,我要向你們展示真正的我,并和這樣的我一起狂歡”.


Building up anticipation for his unique image transformation, actor So Ji Sub released the second teaser for his debut hip hop track, “Pick Up Line“, through his official homepage!

Unlike the ‘comedy version’ released earlier on the 10th, So Ji Sub’s second teaser shows off his 180 degree change into a ’sexy hip hop rapper’. His leopard print suit and stylish aviators give off an air of urban sophistication, while at the same time, succeeding to lighten the star’s ’serious’ image.

Through his agency, 51k, So Ji Sub commented, “Instead of expecting comments like ‘he’s cool’ and ‘that’s refreshing,’ I’d rather people think ‘he’s a unique guy.’ I hope people view this with the thought that I’m trying something different from everyone else. Like my previous photo essay, I want this album to feature every part of me as I am.”

Check it out below!

The full music video will be released on February 17th.

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