Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 7, 2011
Delight at kpopn
MBC的周末綜藝[ 享受今天 ]以及[ 熱血兄弟 ]即將要停播了,相關人士表示目前正在錄製熱血兄弟的最後一集.而享受今天已經完成最終拍攝了!!他也表示兩個節目一起結束十分遺憾,感謝所有工作人員和導演的配合~
後續節目則由 [ 新職員 ] 接替,節目內容將公開MBC正式聘用播音員的挑戰過程,最終合格者將會被MBC錄取!! 該節目預計於2月底或3月初播出!!
MBC’s two variety shows under their “Sunday Sunday Night” program will be coming to an end.
On February 7th, a representative of “Sunday Sunday Night” alerted viewers of the change through his Twitter by writing, “We are currently filming the final episode of ‘Hot Brothers.’ ’Enjoy Today’ completed its filming last week. The two shows have been with our program for a long time now.”
He continued, “Throughout its airing, we’ve been through thick and thin together. Putting both shows to an end is quite disappointing. However, there is a new program waiting for us next week. Thank you to all of the staff members and directors for working hard with us.”
The new variety show to take its place will be “New Employee,” scheduled for broadcast either late February or early March.
MBC'일요일 일요일 밤에'“星期天星期天晚上”的兩個環節全部落下帷幕。