這首歌曲由作曲家兼歌手楊正勝演唱,也是金荷娜出道後首次參與的歌曲製作,受到了人們的矚目。在賽我網實時Top10中,這首歌曲佔據了第一名,點 燃火爆人氣。從10日到11日,這首歌曲戰勝了樸振英的《無法忘記[if]》與IU的《Someday》,牢牢佔據著第一名的位置。評論家認為,楊正勝出 色的實力與金荷娜的友情演出完美融合到一起,因此獲得了如此高的人氣。
此前,金荷娜曾演唱收錄在電視劇《On Air》OST中的《Sky Love》,反響頗佳。去年6月,她還在日本東京舉行的粉絲見面會上演唱《初戀》、《Goodbye Day》,吸引了人們的關注。
Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 8, 2011
(張信哲 雨霖鈴;蘇見信 告別的時代)
Actress Kim Ha Neul prepared a surprise Lunar New Year’s gift for her fans by featuring in singer Yang Jung Seung’s latest single, “Stars in the Night Sky 3.”
The recording took place late last month at a studio in Kangnam, and representatives of her agency, J1 Plus Entertainment, commented, “The sweet melody and beautiful lyrics of ‘Stars in the Night Sky 3′ fit well with Kim Ha Neul’s charming voice color, so the overall production was very easy-going.”
Kim Ha Neul added, “I was very nervous, but had a lot of fun thanks to the staff’s support. It was a very meaningful and interesting challenge. I hope that my love for my fans will be delivered well through this song. I’d like for all of my fans to have a healthy and happy New Year.”
Meanwhile, the actress is currently filming for her upcoming thriller movie, “Blind“, in which she plays the role of a blind police officer who gets involved in a gruesome murder case.