이연희 李沇熹舉辦照片公益展來慶生 Lee Yeon Hee to celebrate her birthday with charity photo exhibit
Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 7, 2011
Actress Lee Yeon Hee will be celebrating her birthday in a unique style by holding her own photo exhibition at the Olympus Hall.
The theme of her exhibit is called “TIME” and will feature photos that she personally gathered, which includes sel-cas amongst a variety of other photographs she took herself.
Under the support of J. Estina and DN Shop, the exhibit is free for all to attend, and photos will be sold through DN Shop after the exhibit ends. All profits made will be donated to a disabled group.
The exhibit will be held from February 11th to the 13th, so if you’re in the area, be sure to check out this interesting show!
A video greeting from TVXQ's Changmin: make sure to catch him on Paradise Farm!
by allkpop on February 8, 2011
Choi Kang Changmin of TVXQ/DBSK had his drama debut in PARADISE FARM/RANCH a few weeks ago. Now he’s busy touring and promoting PARADISE FARM as the show climbs in the ratings.
Changmin was gracious enough to take a moment out of his busy schedule and give shoutouts to his favorite K-entertainment sites: DramaFever, allkpop and Dramabeans. Changmin fans, enjoy!
And if you haven’t already, make sure to catch this drama in HQ over at DramaFever.com!
《天堂牧場》公開甜美海報 最強昌珉李妍熙新婚夜的吻
本次公開的海報是李妍熙和最強昌珉兩人新婚夜的吻照,也是讓不少人們為之心動的一個場景。輕闔雙眼的李妍熙和最強昌珉浪漫羞澀的一面讓人為之動容, 而周圍粉色的柔和燈光更增添了兩人的幸福朦朧之美。而另一張海報中李妍熙,最強昌珉和朱相旭3人一身西部牛仔打扮,站在碧綠的草原上手拿牛仔刀和手槍,嘴 角洋溢著歡快的笑容,也暗示著3人奇妙的三角關系。
李妍熙清涼裝扮登場,短皮裙和羊角辮造型如同漫畫中走出的女主角般亮麗;最強昌珉則身穿牛仔背心手拿短槍,膝蓋稍彎完全一副西部片的感覺;最後朱相 旭以皮背心和圍巾搭配牛仔帽,展現了與以往不同的魅力。李妍熙,最強昌珉和朱相旭的帥氣牛仔時尚充滿了異國風情,受到了人們的矚目。韓國電視圈少見的播出 前全部結束拍攝的《天堂牧場》講述了19歲年輕人的愛情故事。
‘Paradise Ranch’ to hit Japanese airwaves in May
Source: Star News via Daum
by Denouement on February 5, 2011
’s debut drama, ”Paradise Ranch“, will cross overseas to hit airwaves in Japan!
According to TVXQ’s official Japanese website, “Paradise Ranch” will air its first episode in May through the satellite broadcast network, SkyPerfectTV ‘DATV’.
With the help of TVXQ’s extraordinary popularity in Japan, SBS hopes to reach a wider audience and thus expand their influence in the Hallyu wave.
Before it airs, however, “Paradise Ranch” will hold their production conference and cast interviews over the months of February, March, and April.