Source: Pledis
by phenom on February 8, 2011
After School成員嘉熙將展開單飛活動
經紀公司PLEDIS10日表示,組合After School成員嘉熙將展開單飛活動,發佈首張個人專輯。據悉,嘉熙即將發佈的專輯主打歌《回來吧,壞壞的你》由著名作曲家金泰賢作曲。PLEDIS還說,嘉熙的個人專輯將會收錄4首歌曲,計劃于14日先在網上公開,于15日發佈專輯。
After School嘉熙出單飛專輯 親任作詞人
After School成員嘉熙近日公開的單飛專輯吸引了眾多歌迷的注意。嘉熙9日透過After School的粉絲俱樂部[]表示:「過了這麼長時間才留言,我帶來了會讓大家驚訝的 禮物,我希望最先向大家公開我的首張單飛專輯」。本次的專輯共收錄了包括主打歌曲《回來吧,壞人》在內的《One Love》,《禮物》以及《過山車》4首歌曲,嘉熙稱:「參與了不少歌曲和舞台開發的過程」,表達自己對首張專輯的認真程度。嘉熙在以往的專輯中也發揮過 自己過人的才能,曾為專輯填過詞,而她這次也親自為《回來吧,壞人》和《過山車》作詞,成為大家議論的焦點。
嘉熙介紹《One Love》是一首在眾多華麗歌曲中讓人感到舒適溫和的歌曲,而《禮物》也將會呈現出嘉熙與以往不同的一面。粉絲紛紛留言表示:「這段時間沒有任何專輯的消 息讓我們很納悶,不過現在覺得等這麼長時間是值得的」,「我已經預訂了,現在正在數著指頭等待發行日期」,「希望2011年成為嘉熙之年」。此外嘉熙的透 視裝宣傳造型和充滿清純魅力的MV拍攝現場照片在當天同時曝光,讓不少粉絲對本張專輯的風格好奇不已。
Recently, allkpop reported on the tracklist for After School’s Kahi’s much anticipated solo album. The album is set to be released on February 14th.
Before the releasing of the album, Pledis Entertainment has decided to give the fans a taste through the cover of the album. The album is called “Kahi: The first mini album – Come back, bad you”. Kahi is posing in a beautiful, long, black dress with her hair tied back, revealing an elegant side of her. With this kind of cover concept, one can only wonder what the tracks on this upcoming mini-album will be like.
Stay tuned for more on Kahi’s solo debut!
After School's Kahi reveals‘innocent’ concept photo for debut album
Source: Newsen via Nate
by sayykimchi on February 8, 2011
With her solo album release just around the corner, After School’s agency revealed a photo through their official Twitter of Kahi on the set of her music video shoot.
On February 9th, Pledis Entertainment tweeted, “Kahi is finally able to live her dream. On the set of Kahi’s music video filming.” The photo serves as a sneak peek for fans who wish to witness Kahi at the pinnacle of her album preparations. Contrasting with her usual powerful pose, Kahi is seen in a more relaxed state, as she poses elegantly in a white floral blouse with her hair gently tucked into a braid.
Netizens who saw these photos responded, “Huk! This concept…is it different from what I had expected??”, “Daebak Daebak Kahi unni looks gorgeous^^”, “After waiting impatiently, is it finally time for your solo debut ke ke Noona Fighting!”
Kahi’s solo album is set to drop on February 14th, so stay tuned to allkpop!