Source & Image: Sanspo
by Shiso on February 7, 2011

Talent Yuki Maomi has landed on the cover of the next issue of women’s magazine, “anan“, which will be released on February 9th.

On the cover, she tackled the “Margin Nude” angle for the first time, and inside the pages, readers will find the “Two Week Diet” feature along with six pages of Yuki’s photoshoot showing off the fruits of her labor. She also introduces exercises to the female readers which claim to give results within two weeks of working out.

According to Yuki, she used to have complex about her body, but she started working out about six months ago, taking the opportunity after turning 30. Yuki said, “I was skinny, but I had a forceless body. I also hated my jutted stomach, and humpback, and no volume upper body. When I was doing gravia in my 20s, I only cared about how I could hide those complexes.

The shoot was held only with female staffs, and Yuki said with a smile, “Since I was very relaxed at the shoot, it’s revealing more than I thought.


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