Source + Picture: Osen
by ektha16 on February 3, 2011
在3日播放的SBS TV《明星做什麼呢?》中,公開了明星喜歡吃的食物,還發佈了最想一起進餐的藝人名次。當天的節目中還採訪了負責少女時代體重的教練金智勳,公開了少女時 代的菜單。金智勳表示:「少女時代節食減肥時一天菜單的卡路裡量為1500,應季青菜與西蘭花五塊、烤雞胸肉100克、秈米飯150克。」他還說道:「少 女時代有重要行程時減肥的決心很令人驚嘆,不過平時她們也喜歡吃零食。」此外,節目還揭露FT Island吃過牛舌、U-KISS吃過鹿唇、Miss A吃過蛇,受到了人們的關注。
Ever wondered how SNSD maintained their slim figures?
During the SBS Lunar New Year special, “Star, What Are You Doing?”, SNSD’s trainer (Kim Ji Hoon) revealed some details about their diets.
“Before an important broadcast or a concert, the girls eat about 1500 calories,” he explained. “They would usually eat seasonal vegetables, 5 heads of broccoli, 100 grams of baked chicken breast, 150 grams of brown rice.”
When asked about their regular diet, the trainer replied, “Because they like snacks and junk food, they usually eat very well.”
Looks like SNSD got an increase in calories from their 1200 calorie diet. Small wonder that their figures draw so much attention – that diet would require a lot of self-control!
Old photo of Yunho and Seohyun garners mass praise
Source: MyDaily
by phenom on February 6, 2011
這張照片是當時兩人作為校服代言人,身穿校服的自然模樣。長髮飄飄,露著光潔額頭的徐賢是標準的好學生模樣,而瑜滷允浩則一看就是校草級別的男生。 看到照片的網友表示:『太可愛了~』『幾年前的照片呢?現在絲毫沒變化~』『徐賢從那時起就漂亮啊~』『青澀的美人們~』
A uniform ad from almost six year ago has been gaining much attention due to its feature of TVXQ’s Yunho and SNSD’s Seohyun.
The poster was released back in 2005, and it was put up in the entrance halls of some schools. At the time, Yunho had already debuted as part of TVXQ, but Seohyun was just a middle school trainee.
Fans of both idols gushed over their baby faces, and laughed at Yunho’s spiky haircut. Meanwhile, netizens commented, “Seohyun was pretty even before she debuted”, “Totally fresh uniform couple”, and “Mr. Handsome and Miss Beautiful – constant like a storm.”
SNSD – Gee Japanese Version