Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 6, 2011

SBS綜藝節目“Running Man”在開播六個月後漸漸站穩了腳跟,收視率保持在10%以上。

After School的Lizzy在2010年10月加入節目後以可愛的釜山少女的形象獲得了很多人的喜愛,但是1月份開始卻見不到Lizzy的身影了,許多觀眾對此感到非常好奇。2月7日,節目PD趙孝真在採訪中表示:“Lizzy是以長期嘉賓的身份出演。Lizzy過去的幾個月表現很好,並且我們現在也保持著聯繫。她仍然是‘Running Man’大家庭中的一員。”Lizzy所屬組合After School在2011年上半年要為進軍日本的目標而努力,這也可以解釋她為什麼缺席。趙PD說:“如果有可能的話,Lizzy隨時都可以加入‘Running Man’。”

After six months of airing, SBS’s “Running Man” seems to have finally carved a place in the variety show world by consistently recording 10~15% in viewer ratings.

While fans have been immensely enjoying the antics of the cast, many have been wondering why After School’s Lizzy has been absent from the show.

Lizzy first joined the cast in October of 2010, but viewers haven’t been able to see her since January. Jo Hyo Jin PD spoke to Newsen on February 7th and revealed, “Lizzy appeared on the program as a long-term guest. She’s done well for our show over the past few months, and we still keep in contact. She is still considered a part of the ‘Running Man’ family.”

Lizzy is said to be focusing on After School’s Japanese advancement this year, which explains her absence from the show. Jo PD continued, “Lizzy can join ‘Running Man’ whenever she wants.”

After School's Lizzy hits an athlete's head?

by phenom on February 6, 2011

On February 6th, an All-Star professional volleyball game was held at a special court in COEX. On this day, After School/Orange Caramel’s Lizzy had the honor of hitting the opening serve at the event.

However, the serve that she hit ended up hitting athlete Jin Sang Hyun right on the back of the head! As it was all in fun, the light-heartedness of the situation can clearly be seen through the laughter in the other players’ faces.

Later, Lizzy apologized through her Twitter account stating, “Today, I hit the back of a guy’s head. I did it on accident. Jin Sang Hyun athlete – I’m sorry.”


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