max matsuura全面プロデュース! 前代未聞の50曲50リミックス" ファン待望の『ayu-mi-x』シリーズ最新作、4タイトル同時リリース!! 1st SINGLE「poker face」から50th SINGLE「L」までの50枚のSINGLE曲のリミックス、リアレンジを今作のために新たに制作。 7年半振りのリリースとなる、ファン待望の『ayu-ro mix』シリーズ第4弾! ライヴの盛り上がりに欠かせないアップテンポな楽曲を中心に、2011年仕様のハイテンション・ユーロビートで贈る全12曲 (予定)!!

感動の7days Special LIVEを待望のDVD化!! 全国13ヶ所、41公演で延べ40万人を動員した全国アリーナ・ツアー「ayumi hamasaki ARENA TOUR 2010 ~Rock'n'Roll Circus~」のスペシャル公演として国立代々木第一体育館にて7日間にわたって開催された、7days LIVEの感動の最終日を完全収録! 浜崎あゆみ史上最高のライヴとの呼び声高い、ワールドクラスのエンタテインメント・ショウを待望のDVD化! 透明スリーヴ仕様。 ※4月に浜崎あゆみ初となるBlu-rayでの発売も予定。

浜崎あゆみの50作のSINGLEを映像で振り返るライヴ・セレクションDVD! 2000年「ayumi hamasaki concert tour 2000 第1幕」から、2010年「ayumi hamasaki Rock'n'Roll Circus Tour FINAL~7days Special~」の11年間にライヴで歌われたSINGLE50作の最も印象的なパフォーマンスを一挙コンパイル!! ※12th SINGLE「kanariya」はライヴで歌唱されていないため、video clipでの収録となります。

Source: ayumi hamasaki Official Website
by hellcat on February 3, 2011

The empress of pop, Ayumi Hamasaki, is currently gearing up for her newest tour in support of her latest studio effort “Love songs“, but her rate of rapid releases is not slowing down anytime soon. President of Avex and close friend of Ayumi’s, Max Matsuura, announced through his twitter account late last year that a new a-yu-mix was indeed in the works, and now we’ve got an official announcement of its release.

The last enstallment of the ayu-mi-x series, “ayu-mi-x 6“, which was released in two versions, GOLD and SILVER, was nearly 3 years ago, and the singer is going big for fans to celebrate the release of her 50th single last fall.

ayu-mi-x 7” will consist of 4 separate albums: house, acoustic orchestra, “ayu trance 4″, and “ayu-ro mix 4″. The remixes will span across all 50 singles, from her debut “poker face” to her latest A-side, “Virgin Road“.

ayu-mi-x 7 -version HOUSE-” (tentative title) will feature popular musicians/DJs such as Jonathan Peters, Hex Hector, Johnny Vicious, Razor N’ Guido and Eric Kupper, as well as SHINICHI OSAWA, FPM, and SUGIURMN.“ayu-mi-x 7 -version Acoustic Orchestra” will follow the tradition and feature new arrangements of Hamasaki’s songs, done by Japanese pianist Tsujii Nobiyuki, who won the First Prize at the prestigious Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009. “ayu trance 4” and “ayu-ro mix 4” will be the first installments of this series in almost 7 years, and are described as being “high tension” and very upbeat.

A limited edition box set of these CDs will be produced and will come with a bonus CD, the contents of which have not been announced yet. These albums will be released on March 30th.

On the same day, the singer will also be releasing two new DVDs. “A 50 SINGLES ~LIVE SELECTION~” will feature clips of performances from 2000’s “ayumi hamasaki concert tour 2000 A” all the way until her latest tour last year. “ayumi hamasaki Rock’n'Roll Circus Tour FINAL ~7days Special~” will feature footage from the last 7 days of the special concert in support of her album “Rock’n'Roll Circus“, which occurred last fall.

Come back for more information on these mega releases soon!

ayu-mi-x 7 -version HOUSE-
・For My Dear…・TO BE・appears・M・UNITE!・Dearest
・Voyage・No way to say・fairyland・Bold & Delicious
・Mirrorcle World・crossroad・Virgin Road

ayu-mi-x 7 -version Acoustic Orchestra-
・Trust・WHATEVER・LOVE ~Destiny~・kanariya
・forgiveness・Moments・HEAVEN・BLUE BIRD・You were…

ayu-mi-x 7 presents ayu trance 4
・poker face・YOU・monochrome・vogue
・Far away・SEASONS・Endless sorrow・Greatful days

ayu-mi-x 7 presents ayu-ro mix 4
・Depend on you・Boys & Girls・Fly high
・SURREAL・Daybreak・Free & Easy
・INSPIRE・STEP you・Startin’・glitter
・talkin’ 2 myself・Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~

ayumi hamasaki Rock’n'Roll Circus Tour FINAL ~7days Special~

<Disc 1+2>
00. circus
01. THE introduction
02. Microphone
03. Last angel
04. About You
05. solitude
06. rainy day
08. MOON
09. Rimbaud
10. count down
11. Memorial address
12. Virgin Road
13. Don’t look back
15. Because of You
17. Sexy little things
18. STEP you
19. Jump!
20. Lady Dynamite
21. until that Day…
22. SURREAL ~ evolution ~ SURREAL
23. Humming
24. Boys & Girls
25. Sweet Season

<Disc 3>
- MCs
- Making of

50 SINGLES ~LIVE SELECTION~ (Tentative title)
- All singles from “poker face” to “Virgin Road”
- 12th single “kanariya” does not have a live performance, so a video clip will take its place

Ayumi Hamasaki reveals information on upcoming tour

Source: Hamasaki Ayumi’s Official Website
by kurumi on February 2, 2011

Pop queen and recently married Hamasaki Ayumi has just updated her official website with information on her latest 2011 tour!

The tour will be titled “ayumi hamasaki ARENA TOUR 2011 A~HOTEL Love songs~” and currently features 26 different concert stops across Japan. The first concert will be held at the Saitama Super Arena on April 9th, and the last concert will be held on July 24th.

Members of Ayu’s fan club “Team Ayu” will be able to purchase their tickets in advance from January 28th until February 7th, before the tickets become available to the general public. The tickets are a fair ¥8,500 (approximately $102 USD).

Check out more official tour dates here!

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