Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 2, 2011
Actress Ha Ji Won shot to superstardom with her role in “Secret Garden“, and although she deserves a break, it looks like the star will be working through the Lunar New Year holiday.
A representative of her agency spoke with Star News and revealed, “Ha Ji Won left for Los Angeles on January 29th for a photoshoot. Unfortunately, she will not be able to spend the holiday with her family.”
They continued, “Because of her ‘Secret Garden’ film schedule, most of her advertisement and photoshoot recordings were pushed back. She’ll be using the holiday to catch up, and will continue working forward without rest. She is very disappointed in not being able to be with her family.”
There is currently no set date for her return to Korea yet, as her agency revealed that they will be letting her rest for a bit longer to recover from her busy schedule with “Secret Garden.”
與SBS電視劇《秘密花園》裏河智苑穿的襪子設計相同的奧斯卡襪 子從1月31日開始在網上商城和便利店銷售。SBS Contents Hub相關人士說:“之前作為購買《秘密花園》掛曆的特別禮物贈送了奧斯卡襪子。從那時起關於襪子是否上市的疑問就非常多。市場裏賣4000韓元”,“為 了使觀眾們能珍視電視劇的回憶,所以準備了這份禮物。”
<秘密花園>的製作公司最近一直接到關於<秘密花園>音樂劇和電影版權的購買諮詢.這顯示出,觀眾們把金周元和吉羅林的故事以其他形態呈現的興趣非常高漲.公司代表表示,“雖然也一直有人問會不會製作<秘密花園2>,但是製作成電視劇的可能性幾乎為零”.又說,“如果要製作<秘密花 園>的續篇,我們認為音樂劇或者電影會是比較好的選擇,已經有很多提案在考慮中了,以後如何製作的決定應該會慢慢浮出水面.”
隨著<秘密花園>的人氣高升,製作公司已經通過同名小說發刊,OST演唱會開辦等多樣的方法把資源進行了最多元化的發揮利用.電視劇的趣味總 是有限,所以通過多樣的形式繼續與觀眾親密接觸.因此,如果要製作續集,應該也不會再選擇電視劇,而是會以音樂劇或者電影的形式,把<秘密花 園>的感動延續下去.另,<秘密花園>22日晚將播出特別節目.
Ha Ji Won gets offered a coffee CF deal thanks to famous ‘Foam Kiss’ on ‘Secret Garden’
Source: Sports Seoul
by VITALWARNING on December 23, 2010
Thanks to the huge popularity of the famous ‘Foam Kiss‘ between actress Ha Ji Won (32) and Hyun Bin (28) on SBS’s ‘Secret Garden’, Ha Ji Won was recently offered a promising coffee CF deal.
Ha Ji Won’s agency stated, “Due to the drama’s popularity, we have been receiving deal inquiries for all sorts of CFs, including food and consumer products and communication devices. We’re currently fine-tuning the details of a contract for a coffee company CF.”
The addition of the coffee CF will have her earning over a million USD in total as a CF model, crowning her as the next CF Queen. Before beginning ‘Secret Garden’, the actress modeled for cosmetics company, ‘Oley‘, and on December 20th, she contracted with a clothing company, ‘Crocodile Lady’.
According to a representative, if the actress decides to sign the coffee CF deal, she will be receiving a whopping total of $2.6 million USD just as a CF model alone with her multi-year contracts.