Source: The Newspaper via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 3, 2011

褐眼女孩的Narsha因為她完美的身材比例而被KBS的”‘아이돌 건강미녀 선발대회’偶像健康美女大會”稱為是”南韓的瑪麗蓮夢露”。

節目請來的專業人士立即讚揚她漂亮的身形,並且聲稱她有著與瑪麗蓮夢露相同的身材比例。 Narsha知道後非常難以致信,但快速的擺出S-line的姿勢引發笑聲。專家這麼說的理由是因為夢露的腰臀比例是0.7的黃金比例。而製作人透露,Narsha所測出來的腰臀比例是0.710,是所有參加比賽的女孩裡面身材比例最接近夢露的一位。

緊跟在Narsha後的第二名是SISTER 的Bora,第三名則是KBS的主播- Park Eun Young。可惜的是,她在之後的肌肉群排名裡,是所有參加的選手裡面的第14名。她說”我承認我沒有很多的肌肉,我唯一真正擁有的肌肉是在我的雙臂裡。”Cheongdamdong Pose 診所的主任-Hwang Se-Il 說”Narsha的身材比例是她自我管理得當的結果。像她這樣的身材並不是一時之間就可以形成的,這是出自於規律的飲食習慣、運動、和定期的身體檢查。”

KBS’s “Idol Health Beauty Contest” has named Brown Eyed Girls’ Narsha to be ‘Korea’s Marilyn Monroe‘ due to her perfectly proportional body.

Professionals who were brought in for the show immediately complimented her beautiful figure, and claimed that she had the same proportions as Marilyn Monroe. Narsha found it hard to believe, but gave a quick ‘S-line’ pose for laughs anyway.

The experts reasoned that Monroe’s measurements for her waist and hips were of a 0.70 ratio. Producers revealed, “The ratio for Narsha’s waist and hip measurements came out to 0.710, making her the closest contestant to Monroe’s figure.”

Narsha was followed by SISTAR’s Bora for second place, and KBS’s anchorwoman, Park Eun Young, in third.

Unfortunately for the idol, she later ranked at 14th place in a poll which ranked the muscle mass of each contestant. She commented, “I admit that I don’t have a lot of muscle. The only muscles I really have are in my arms.”

Director Hwang Se-Il of Cheongdamdong Pose Clinic stated, “Narsha’s proportions are the fruits of her self-management. A body like hers just isn’t made overnight. It’s made out of habitual eating habits, exercise, and physical check-ups.”

MBC 明星Dance 大衝擊偶像組合t-ara的成員智被評為妍最糟糕的頭髮



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