Source + Picture: Cookie News via Naver
by ektha16 on January 31, 2011

和Victoria相像的歌手兼作曲家韓素雅最近發表的歌曲“시간이 필요해/我需要時間”獲得了人氣。1月28日韓昭雅發表了單曲“시간이 필요해/我需要時間”,隨後便在各大排行榜上名列前茅,和人氣組合東方神起、Secret等歌手們競爭也不落下風。

素雅的“我需要時間”描寫了戀人分手後的複雜心情,以“SHINee的rap老師”知名的JQ、吉他手金泰勇、貝斯手朴順哲等著名音樂人的參與也為 歌曲增色不少。另一首歌曲“오늘도 그대를”韓素雅則用自己的方式重新詮釋了搞笑藝人金基旭的“「謝謝你的笑」”。據稱這兩首歌曲都是韓素雅自己創作的。


BiBi at Kpopn
SHINee 的饒舌老師 JQ、名吉他手 Go Tae Yong 與 Bass 手 Park Soon Chul 都是歌曲的參與音樂人!
「既使今天你…」(Even Today You):單曲中第二首歌,靈感來自諧星 Kim Ki Wook (金起旭) 的「謝謝你的笑」(Thank You for Laughing),寫來感謝聽眾,給大家感受溫暖的歌曲。

Han So Ah 的代表人說:「為了在偶像和性感女歌手中突顯特色,我們決定要以歌聲取勝。我們選了這些歌曲擺入首張專輯來表現她的聲音。希望大家會感到清新。」

Singer/songwriter, and Victoria look-alike, Han So Ah has been gaining interest for her song, “I Need Time”.

Han So Ah released her song, “I Need Time”, on January 28th, and it has been ranking at the top of various music charts. Despite strong competition from TVXQ and Secret, her song refuses to budge from its current ranking.

The song “I Need Time” is about the feelings a couple gets right after they decide to breakup. The song boasts of famous musicians, such as the famous ‘SHINee rap teacher’ JQ, guitarist Go Tae Yong, and bassist Park Soon Chul.

In her other song, “Even Today You”, Han So Ah reinterperted comedian Kim Ki Wook’s “Thank You for Laughing” with her own feelings so that listeners could hear the thankfulness and warmth towards love. It is said that Han So Ah has personally written both of these songs.

Han So Ah’s representatives stated, “To go against the idol singers and the sexy female singers, we decided to dominate with only vocal skills. We created this single so that the song matches with Han So Ah’s voice. We hope to approach the public with a fresh feeling.”

Check out both songs below!

“I Need Time”

“Even Today You”

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