Catalog No. UMBF-9533
Label/Distributor Universal Music
Release Date 2011/03/02
今韓国で最も勢いのあるボーイズグループ、BEAST! 日本デビューに先駆けてBEASTの魅力を余すところなく収録した映像作品!! 人気の高いMUSIC VIDEOの数々や膨大なレア映像を収録したファン垂涎の内容。 初回限定盤は、DVDサイズ フォトカードセット (7枚綴り)、トレーディングカード (1種/1枚)封入。スリーブケース仕様。
Source: Official Homepage
by Sujin on January 29, 2011
Korean pop group B2ST will make their Japanese debut this March, and the group will release a DVD, “SO BEAST -THE CLIPS-“, on March 2nd. They will also release a debut single, “SHOCK“, on March 23rd.
The single will have three versions, and included in the first press limited edition will be a BEAST JAPAN DEBUT PREMIUM t-shirt (M size, Black), logo sticker, and will come in a special box. Limited edition B will come the “SHOCK” PV on DVD, and Limited edition C will include a live DVD.
The first press normal edition will come with one of seven trading cards and an event ticket (you need to collect two tickets contained in UMCF-9569, UMCF-9570, UMCF-9571, and UMCF-5074 one by one to join the event).
All editions will have alternative jackets and contents are subject to change.
B2ST’s first Japanese DVD will have two discs which include music videos and rare footage, and disc-2 will be a documentary DVD. The limited edition will include a DVD size photo cassette (7) and a trading card; it will also be in a slip case.