
KARA三名成員與DSP傳媒之間進行的深夜馬拉松式的談判結果以達成原則協議告終。KARA三名成員的法律代理人Land Mark方面表示,雙方在首爾江南某地進行協議,結果僅達成了原則協議,確認“KARA五名成員將繼續一起活動完成以前安排好的日程”。針對有關的細節問題,雙方決定通過再次談判達成協議,在雙方達成協議之前,將對協議內容保密。

KARA三名成員的父母和Land Mark、DSP相關人士見面經過了6個小時的談判,但未能找到合適的解決辦法。從三名成員發布通告表示要解除專屬合同開始,雙方不斷提出的“5名成員要在一起活動”方案沒有絲毫進展。由此,雙方將不可避免地再次進行談判來協調細節問題,預計將會需要大量的時間和努力。

“Heroes” PD assures fans that Nicole is not leaving the show

Source + Picture: Nate
by ektha16 on January 30, 2011

We previously reported about how KARA’s Nicole would not be at the film set of SBS’s “Heroes” on January 31st. After hearing the news, fan began to worry about whether or not Nicole would actually continue with the show.

On the 30th, PD Park Sung Hoon assured fans through an interiew with Money Today that, “As everyone knows, Nicole was involved in many issues and was unable to film with us on the 31st. This, however, does not mean that Nicole will leave the program.”

Fans were relieved to hear that Nicole will eventually return to the program, pending the resolution of the dispute with DSP Media.

After the second round of negotiations, KARA decided to continue together as a five-membered group. They’re hoping to continue with their schedules as planned.

姜智英Kang Jiyoung's dad wants to resolve KARA issue with “a forgiving heart”

Source + Photos: JoyNews24 via Yahoo!Korea
by phenom on January 30, 2011

The father of KARA’s Kang Jiyoung revealed that he would like for the contract dispute with DSP Media to be resolved positively.

On January 29th, Kang Gun Wook posted on his Twitter, “I haven’t been able to sleep for several days because of anxiety and sadness.” Wishing for a positive resolution, he wrote, “I want to resolve this before the week passes. I will try to put my guard down and approach the situation in the hopes of solving it with a forgiving heart.”

The day before, Kang Gun Wook tweeted, “We reached the halfway point of success. KARA will continue activities and events as 5 members” and “In a few days, the rest of the agreement will come to a conclusion. It will be a direction that everyone will be mutually satisfied with”. Many are taking the tweets as a good sign that both sides are conducting business smoothly.

It was reported on the 27th that through consultation, the 3 members of KARA (Han Seungyeon, Jung Nicole, Kang Jiyoung) agreed with DSP Media that ‘KARA will continue together as 5′ and that the Japanese drama, ‘URAKARA‘, and CF schedules will resume. As for the remaining issues with the agency, they plan to meet again soon to confer.




KARA3人方面向所屬公司DSP要求,提供賬務清算資料,并縮短和運營團隊及管理實務團隊的簽約期限”.對此DSP回應,“正在研究合適的對策,(關於縮短合約期限)等她們回來后再一起商議”.另一方面,KARA3人和DSP,27日通過協商在“KARA5人不解散”,及在日本簽約的電視劇< URAKARA >,CF等方面,達成共識會通力合作.關於是否留在原公司,則會日後再度會面商議.

KARA’s Nicole will miss scheduled recording for SBS’s ‘Heroes’

Source: Newsen via Nate
by chloejn on January 28, 2011




Due to the recent conflicts revolving around KARA, the member’s individuals activities have been gaining a lot of attention.

SBS’s ‘Heroes‘ has revealed that Nicole will not be attending the January 31st recording. A representative revealed, ”Since we have previously recorded material, [episodes with Nicole] will continue to be broadcasted until the middle of February.”

Despite the fact that the group has decided to continue with their 5-member activities, Landmark lawyer Hong Myung Ho explained, ”Discussion has only been done regarding the larger parts; we haven’t been able to bring much attention to the member’s individual activities yet… We plan to discuss all the affairs with DSP Media within the next few days and we expect for those matters to be decided then… I don’t believe the meeting will occur any later than this weekend.

KARA's Gyuri to appear on “100 Points Out of 100″ as scheduled

Source: Star News via Nate
by phenom on January 28, 2011

Although the dispute between members of KARA and DSP Media is attracting unusual attention, KARA’s Park Gyuri will still appear on KBS 2TV’s “100 Points Out of 100” on January 29th.

Except for the Japanese drama recording, all of KARA’s domestic schedules have been canceled, and as a result, Gyuri’s appearance on the 29th is expected to attract much interest.

According to the producers, Gyuri recorded the contents of the episode before KARA’s dispute with the agency was publicized, so controversial material will likely not be found.

During the recording of “100 Points out of 100″, Gyuri truthfully revealed secrets she wanted to keep hidden.

In this episode, the theme was “raising endurance”, and guests had to share moments in their lives where they had to show endurance. Gyuri revealed an experience where she endured through terrible pain in her foot because she had to wear height insoles.

She stated, “I wore height insoles because I thought, as an unnie (older sister), I had to look more mature and taller than maknae (youngest) Jiyoung. Even though my feet felt like they were about to explode because of the high height insoles, I still had to endure and perform on stage.”
This episode will air on the 29th at 5:15 PM.

KARA to officially resume Japanese activities next week

Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALWARNING on January 28, 2011

It was recently announced that KARA will officially resume their Japanese activities as of next week.

All five members have been scheduled to board their flight to Japan to film an episode of their Japanese drama “URAKARA” that was originally scheduled for filming at the beginning of the week.

Japanese Yomiuri Newspaper revealed on January 28th,TV Tokyo has decided to postpone the broadcasting of the fourth episode of URAKARA.” Instead, the cable TV show will air a condensed episode of the drama’s first three episodes this coming February 4th.

One representative stated, “As KARA is set to make a comeback, TV Tokyo will instead be broadcasting the 4th episode on February 11th. The group will need fly to Japan next week in order to resume their filming duties.”

Kara解約事件雙方求同 仍以5人組合活動

Kara3人的法律代理事務所LAND MARK透過新聞媒體表示:「27日下午3時到9時,Kara3人和DSP娛樂方面有關人士碰面,最終做出仍以5人形式活動的決定」。當天出席該會議的還 有Kara3人的父母,法律代理人以及DSP娛樂公司代表等。Kara解約事件在爆出8天後首次進入協商,他們就19日Kara3人提出解約後發生的一系 列紛爭進行了詳細深刻的討論。

Kara3人方稱:「我們尋得2個共同點。第一就是為了更好完成行程計劃雙方都需要協力合作,其次就是仍以5人Kara活動,雙方都表示認同。這是 一個既能表明自己立場也能換位思考了解對方立場的會議,但是雙方都決定在正式和議之前對今天所談的內容不做任何聲明。今天只是定下了大原則方向,預計近期 再次進行下一輪談判」。

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