Source: Oku Hanako’s Official Blog
by kurumi on January 25, 2011

Singer-songwriter Oku Hanako posted on her blog, showing off an interesting present that she received from a fan in Aomori青森県.

A dedicated fan死忠粉絲 had apples delivered to her home with small 漫畫caricatures of the singer “drawn” on them. The special design was sealed onto the apple while it was growing, causing part of the apple to appear different in color once fully formed. A fan from Morioka had previously sent Oku apples with a cute bear pattern, most likely inspiring her second fan.

Since I’d posted picture of the apples (with the bear on them) in my previous journal entry, I felt kind of like this would just be a repeat post, but no no no! These surprised me so much, I was so happy!” she blogged, smiling happily next to one of her apples.

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