共五代的早安少女組~集結組成的新團體:「ドリーム モーニング娘。~成員包含初代中澤裕子,2代飯田香織、安倍夏美、保田圭,以及3代矢口真里、石川梨華,4代吉澤ひとみ、小川麻琴,5代藤本美貴、久住小春。~~原先辻希美預定加入目前因產休為由無法參加。


4月20日アルバム発売 「ドリムス。①」(読み:ドリムス ワン)
【初回生産限定盤】EPCE-5774~6 【CD2枚組+スペシャルDVD】4,500(税抜4,286)
【通常盤】EPCE-5777~8 【CD2枚組】3,500(税抜3,333)


Ex-Morning Musume members form “Dream Morning Musume.”

Source & Photo: Oricon style
by Shiso on January 28, 2011

Ten of the ex-Morning Musume members have formed a new group named “Dream Morning Musume.“!! ”Dream Morning Musume.” was introduced at the fan club event at Nakano Sun Plaza held on January 28th, which was the day Morning Musume made their major debut 12 years ago, in 1998.

The members of “Dream Morning Musume.” are Nakazawa Yuko, Iida Kaori, Abe Natsumi, Yasuda Kei, Yaguchi Mari, Ishikawa Rika, Yoshizawa Hitomi, Ogawa Makoto, Fujimoto Miki and Kusumi Koharu. At first, another ex-member, Tsuji Nozomi was going to join the group, however, since she has just given birth to her second child, she is taking a child-care leave.

Their plans for the future were announced already. They will release a new album, “DoriMusu. (1)“, which consists of old songs by Morning Musume (re-make), and two new songs, on April 20th. They will also hold a live tour “Dream Morning Musume. Concert Tour 2011 Haru no Mai~Sotsugyousei DE Saikessei~” (7 cities, 16 stages), starting on April 23rd. Moreover, there will also be a bigger live tour in the fall, in which they will hit 40 stages in 20 cities.

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