二人組合東方神起在日本發行的第31首單曲《Why?(Keep Your Head Down)》于發售第一天的26日榮登Oricon單曲排行榜榜首。東方神起去年3月24日發行的單曲《停止時間》曾奪得Oricon冠軍,之後這是時隔10個月來首次居冠。這張單曲在發行之前已登上日本大型音像店的預售排行榜和日本多個移動電話彩鈴排行榜冠軍寶座。

東方神起25日出席在東京國立代木體育場舉行的“SM Town Live in Tokyo”演唱會,時隔一年登上了日本舞臺。該組合還預定於28日出演日本朝日電臺音樂節目《Music Station》。

SM世界巡演東京站人氣火爆 4月加演兩場

“SM TOWN世界巡演”東京站于25日和26日在日本東京代代木國家體育場舉行,共有2萬4千名粉絲參加。

SM娛樂27日表示,“SM TOWN世界巡演”東京站演出人氣火爆,決定於4月9日至10日在東京巨蛋加演兩場。SM娛樂表示,由於此次巡演受到了日本粉絲的熱烈追捧,該公司決定再次舉行演唱會。

此次東京站演出由Kangta、寶兒、東方神起、SJ、少女時代、SHINee、f(x)等歌手參加。演出持續了約3小時30分。尤其是東方神起,在此次演唱會上首次演唱了新專輯主打曲日本版《Why?(Keep Your Head Down)》和2005年在日本發表的第二張單曲《Somebody To Love》,贏得了觀眾熱情呼應。

東方神起26日在日本發行的第31首單曲《Why?(Keep Your Head Down)》于發售第一天便榮登Oricon單曲排行榜榜首。

SMTown Live in TOKYO追加公演決定 4月9日10日

“SM Town Live in Tokyo” adds two more concerts due to explosive popularity

Source + Photos: Sports Chosun, Star News, Asia Economy via Daum (1) (2) (3), Star News via Daum
by VITALSIGN on January 26, 2011

The artists of SM Entertainment successfully completed their two-day “SM Town Live in Tokyo” concert amidst the cheers of 24,000 fans!

Although the concerts were held on weekdays this year, fans still experienced a fierce competition to grab tickets, as over 400,000 K-pop aficionados in Japan swarmed ticketing sites to purchase their seats. Those fans who weren’t able to nab tickets were seen hanging in groups outside the concert stadium, hoping to catch echoes of performances ebbing from inside.

Because of the numerous amounts of fans who held up placards requesting for additional concert dates, SM Entertainment decided to go ahead and add two more concerts at the Tokyo Dome, which will be able to seat 50,000 fans for April 9th and 10th.

Rewinding back to the “SM Town LIVE IN TOKYO” concerts (held on January 25th and 26th), the three-hour musical bonanza brought together Kang Ta, BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, f(x), Trax’s Jung Mo, J-Min and many others.

Super Junior’s Yesung, Ryeowook, and SHINee’s Onew earned an especially explosive response from the audience for teaming up with a Japanese tenor artist, Masafumi Akikawa, to perform “Sen no Kaze ni Natte” which Japanese fans were able to relate to.

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