
東方神起疑牽涉KARA分裂 在中妮可關係曖昧

1月25日發行的《東京體育報》和八卦週刊《女性自身》都報導了南韓人氣女子組合KARA分裂騷動背後的內幕:去年宣佈活動無限期休止的東方神起成員金在中—現為JYJ的成員被指牽涉進KARA三名成員與經紀公司DSP Media的合約糾紛中。知情人透露,從去年起,被認為是此次KARA「造反」最大慫恿者的妮可的母親來往甚密,商量KARA離開DSP「獨立」的事宜。

和東京的青山一樣,首爾的江南區被稱作「KARA粉絲的聖地」,這裡有一間名為「Red kitchen」的居酒屋,老闆娘正是妮可的母親。「包括KARA等一些人氣南韓偶像都愛光顧這裡,所以日韓兩國的南韓流粉絲自然也就慕名而來,偶爾運氣好時還能撞見自己心儀的偶像」。店內的牆壁上掛著KARA、少女時代等明星的簽名,仔細瞧,右下方的簽名正是在中的「謝謝款待,很美味」,上方則綴有他和妮可媽媽的合照。「在中經常來這裡,和妮可母女關係很好,所以東方神起的粉絲也愛來這」。去年8月,KARA在日本出道的同時,「妮可和在中的緋聞也被媒體炒得火熱」,「當時妮可和JYJ的在中、有天等人一起吃飯被目擊到」。去年11月,妮可和在中在推特上聊起KARA的健康管理和妮可母親的料理等話題引起雙方粉絲的強烈反響「兩人如同兄妹一樣,聊得很開心」。

「當時不少人就覺得妮可怎麼會突然和在中這麼熟落?但又不像是戀人的關係似的,現在回想起來當時妮可母女就已經開始就離開經紀公司的問題向在中等人『取經』吧。實際上,有粉絲目擊到妮可母親和在中去年在Red kitchen一起吃飯,表情嚴肅,像在談很重要的問題」。

圍繞合約問題,東方神起去年掀起了南韓娛樂圈有史以來藝人和經紀公司間的最大 風波「這次KARA步其後塵被某南韓電視台的關係者指出是受了東方神起不小的影響」。「除了JYJ,東方神起其他兩名成員人氣似乎也沒有影響,在南韓發展得不錯的樣子。當然,JYJ在日本也是氣勢不減」,所以有「前輩」東方神起的分裂先例,「KARA的部分成員也起了『異心』,妮可的母親尤其支持女兒等人從DSP獨立出來」。值得一提的是,妮可的母親同樣長相出眾「母女倆在一起時經常被錯認成姐妹,她也很受粉絲的喜愛。南韓當地的媒體也數度採訪她,有一定 的威信力」。

南韓的女子團體中,少女時代在本土一支獨秀「如同AKB48在日本的超然地位,是第一女子天團」,但去年在日本出道 後,KARA後來居上,「在日本,少女時代和KARA的人氣不相上下」,「有日本方面的經紀公司招攬她們也不足為奇」。「造反組」在公開發出的聲明中控訴「DSP強迫成員從事本人並不願意的演藝活動,侵犯了成員的人格……」。南韓藝能界的關係者曝這次KARA部分成員與DSP鬧翻「第一要因顯然是金錢的問題,而且在日本出道初期,似乎被經紀公司要求去『接待』一些權力人物」,「在中等東方神起在當中起了推波助瀾的作用的說法是否屬實不得而知,但KARA顯然是吸收了前輩的『經驗』」

Kara 3人對DSP『後台說』不滿 雙方能否協商成未知數

宣稱與經紀公司解約的Kara成員韓勝妍,Nicole,姜智英三人表示:『問題的本質正在消失,讓人難過。』3人的代理法人LAND MARK的洪明浩律師在和TV DAILY電話通話中表示:『趙賢吉代表只是與他們父母會面的一些人中的一位,真不明白為什麼就被說成了是她們的幕後勢力呢?』『問題的本質是所屬公司有怎樣的問題,與成員間又有怎樣的糾葛,而更重要的是要坐在一起找到協商的關鍵。』但是『問題本質正在被幕後勢力說等不切實際的說法淡化。我們實在不清楚在 促進協商的情況下,總是強調幕後勢力說法的理由到底是什麼。』

另外,他還表示:『Kara三人和所屬公司的情緒消沉,應早些協商。他們正在做一些損害雙方的事,應該立即停止,進行協商。』而DSP MEDIA方面發表官方立場,Kara3人在沒有得到所屬公司的同意下擅自決定監護人,一定要透過法律手段向她們的幕後勢力爭取損害賠償和名譽毀損賠償。


DSP Media 25日向媒體發表了針對Kara成員Nicole、韓勝妍、姜智英要求與公司解約一事的立場。

DSP Media表示:『針對19日向公司要求解約的韓勝妍、Nicole、姜智英3人[以下簡稱3人],我們正在努力尋求最佳的解決方案。25日上午10點, 我們透過Kara的法律代理人得到了協議和要求事項,現在正在進行談判。針對具體的談判內容因為還在商討中所以無法向外界透露,希望各位給予諒解。本公司 為了Kara的成員們和Kara珍貴的粉絲,堅信Kara要以5人組合活動,因此在事態進一步惡化前,希望能找到令雙方都感到滿意的解決方案。』在19日Kara4人[Nicole、韓勝妍、姜智英、具荷拉]宣稱與DSP公司解除專屬合約後,這之後具荷拉改變心意撤回通告表示將繼續留在DSP,剩下的3人也在之後表示,希望能以5人組合活動,令外界對Kara今後的動向非常關注。


Ex-KARA member, 金成熙Kim Sung Hee, to get married in May

Source: Chosun News
by Denouement on January 26, 2011

Women Chosun” has reported that former KARA member, Kim Sung Hee (21), will be getting married to Yang Won Joon (31), the eldest son of voice actor Yang Ji Woon.

The two have been dating for about a year, and they plan to tie the knot on May 7th at a small wedding hall in Gyeonggi-do, Paju.

The two first met approximately 2 years ago through their religious community, and grew close while attending various musical activities around the world. It’s been confirmed that the parents of the lovers met a year into their relationship, and agreed to set a wedding date.

Reflecting on his approval over his son’s choice, Yang Ji Woon said, “People can’t guess how cute our future daughter-in-law is when she does things. My wife is absolutely taken by her charms. Long ago, my son has gone through some hard times, but I look forward to him creating an ideal family by meeting a good wife.”

On a side note, Yang Won Joon has previously spent time in jail for refusing to fulfill his military duties for religious reasons in June of 2009.

Turning back to Kim Sung Hee, the former KARA member shocked the music industry in 2008 when she announced that she was going to officially withdraw from the group. There were various rumors floating around as to why she decided to quit, but the most prominent was how her idol group activities were ‘interfering with her religious life.’ Currently, she works as a vocal instructor for aspiring singers.


KARA's new CF for TBC to air as scheduled this February

Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 25, 2011

A new Japanese CF featuring all five members of KARA will be broadcast as planned.

According to a report by Sankei Sports on January 26th, KARA was chosen as the new models for one of Japan’s biggest aesthetic companies, ‘Aesthetic TBC‘. The girls recorded a CF for the company, but due to their current controversy, the company debated over whether or not to air it.

Sankei Sports revealed, “With the five-membered Korean girl group KARA going through a dispute, news of their contract with Aesthetic TBC has been revealed on the 25th. CFs will run from February 1st, followed by the airing of their television CFs on the 2nd. All five members will be appearing.”

They continued, “The recording took place before the controversy broke out, leading many to wonder whether the CF would go on as planned, but representatives of Aesthetic TBC revealed, ‘In consideration of KARA’s future, now is the time to support KARA,’ which led to their decision.

In support of KARA, Aesthetic TBC will be putting up advertisements with an additional statement, “Find strength, KARA!” in 200 different locations in seven cities.



23日,以首爾地鐵2號線為中心,可以看見寫著“救救KARA”的廣告傳單被貼在車廂的玻璃窗上或其他顯眼的地方,傳單上還記載了取名為“粉絲非常時期對 策委員會”的某個網站地址,并呼籲粉絲們一起站出來拯救KARA.這種非正式網站的傳單粘貼是違法行為,所以有些人認為這是有損KARA名譽的不智舉動.網友們表示,“這讓人聯想起去年,曾是2PM成員的樸宰范退出的時候,爲了阻止事情發生,粉絲們發過傳單”,“粉絲們的愛真是了不起”,反面也有網友對此事皺起了眉頭,認為在地鐵這種公共場所粘貼廣告的行為有欠妥當.此外,被貼上的傳單非常不容易揭下,有礙事後清理和市容觀瞻.



事情愈來愈複雜了 The Plot Thickens: DSP Entertainment Reveals Text Message from “J”


1月25日下午,演製協通過報道資料透露,“已證實了KARA解除專屬合約事件的相關幕後主導者的身份。幕後勢力不但站在KARA部分成員的立場上,而且還站在他們父母的立場上出來講話。從他們對此次事件了解的詳細程度來看,我們懷疑他們和此次事件有著直接的關係”。演製協還公開了被指為幕後指使者的J某發 給KARA成員的短信。J某在短信中稱:“我和一些能乾的經紀人把車子都準備好了,如果有需要,隨時聯係我們。我把負責今後各事項的新職員的聯係方式發給 你們,請保存一下。他們都很努力,很能乾。負責具體事務的現場經紀人今後還會繼續補充人員。申組長全權負責訴訟和企劃營銷,張組長則全權負責今後各項活 動。”


另外,為了了解KARA經紀公司DSP傳媒在日本的財務結算狀況,演製協還向日本的環球(Universal)公司確認了演出所得分配的問題,並公開了了解到的結果。演製協稱“經確認,DSP向KARA支付的比率是1.6~1.8%,這比日本一般新人的現場演唱費0.5%~1%要高出很多。所以DSP在費用 的支付比率上是沒有什麽問題的”。

Source: My Daily
by sarahsusiepak on January 25, 2011
[口語] 情節(或事情)愈來愈複雜了

The Korean media has been buzzing over the identity of an outside party that tried to lure KARA away from the management of DSP Media. Although no one was able to properly identify the party, DSP Media decided to reveal text messages sent by “J” to the KARA members, encouraging them to “call anytime.”

“J” goes on to say that he has “cars” and “managers who work well”, and so if they need anything at all, they shouldn’t hesitate to let him know.

While this message was released with the intent of weakening the three KARA members’ lawsuit, it’s unclear whether this was a major factor in the members’ decision-making process to begin with. DSP Media has been claiming that rival offers from “J” pushed Jiyoung, Nicole, and Seungyeon to file for contract terminations, but the message does not mention any offer of a contract.

It does, however, call into question the idea that the three members were not influenced by “J” in their decision to sue DSP.

One thing is for certain – a bitter legal fight is in the works.

DSP sends proposal to KARA, could possibly return as 5 soon

Source: Star Today (article was removed from site) + Osen
by wafflecone on January 25, 2011

On January 25th, Landmark, the legal representatives for the three members of KARA (Kang Jiyoung, Jung Nicole, Han Seungyeon), revealed that, DSP Media has proposed the following for KARA members: ‘Creating an agreement on promotions within and outside of Korea’ and ‘Consulting and requesting the members’ opinions’. With regards to the first proposal, DSP expressed that the company has shown clear intentions of negotiating with the members. These were proposed in hope that the three KARA members will continue carrying out their schedules in Korea and Japan. The representative predicts that the fans will be able to see the five members of KARA promoting together very soon.”

The contents of ‘To create an agreement on promotions within and outside of Korea’ are as follows:
1) From now on, KARA members will have an experienced manager while promoting in Korea and overseas.

2) After discussing resuming promotions in Japan, DSP will acknowledge the opinions of members and seek contact from the manager stated in the first point.

3) During promotions in Korea and overseas, the members are allowed to have their guardians (the members’ parents or someone they have chosen) accompanying them and contribute to making important decisions.

4) While promoting in Japan, the representative of DSP Japan will be cooperative.
However, a representative of the three KARA members said, “In regards to the second proposal, the KARA members expressed that they still don’t have faith in DSP. There’s been a promise and agreement with DSP to promote right away, yet we are disappointed with their insincerity.”
The KARA members’ opinions of ‘Consulting and requesting of the members’ opinions’ are as follows:
1) The three members of KARA will let the legal department deal with their contract, and both sides have agreed to complete activities that they have missed.

2) In order to restore faith in the relationship between KARA and DSP, the three members have suggested the following to be completed by January 27th:
a) The members will meet with representative Lee Hoyeon and not DSP.
b) Finding an end to the gap between the management until the return of representative Lee Hoyeon.
c) They will seek a management that is highly regarded and reliable.
d) They will find a way to organize and improve Care, KARA’s management team.
e) Making sure that KARA’s promised income is given.
f) An explanation in the relationship between DSP and DSP Japan.

3) Fixing the individual contracts before all the members terminate their contract.

4) Once the overall income has been calculated, they will provide full disclosure and all paperwork regarding the income.

A representative of the three members said, “DSP was not able to give a clear answer in regards to representative Lee Hoyeon’s whereabouts, as well as performing as five members again. Not only did the three KARA members lose faith in DSP, but the contracts were also unfair. The members have also recognized a difference between their opinions and the company’s stand on the issue.”

With regards to their requests to shorten their contract, they expressed, “It was not the members who had brought it up first, but DSP had privately approached one member with this issue. We were able to find out the intentions of DSP on that day. The company had stated that they would resolve and shorten the contracts but to change their answer now has confused all of us.”

KARA三名成員與經紀公司開始協商 未能縮小分歧








Source: JoongAng via Daum
by VITALWARNING on January 25, 2011

The three members of KARA have finally revealed their demands in their contract adjustments with DSP Media, with the two main points being to shorten the contract time and having a modification in the board of directors.

With the three members having a contract that still lasts another 3-4 years, the trio has demanded their contracts be shortened to July of 2012 instead, as they would like to end their contract at the same time their contract with Universal Japan ends. They have also requested a more professional management team, as well as a transparent accounting system.

In addition, the three have requested for the resignation of the wife of CEO Lee Ho Yeon, who had been his replacement since last year after he fell into a coma. The trio would also like for a new system, whereby their legal representative could participate in the group’s accounting and contract audits.

It was later announced that DSP Media would agree to only partially meet their demands. A representative stated, “Isn’t demanding a shortening of their contract and a change in directors a bit too much? For reinforcing the management team and making a transparent accounting and contract system, if the members are willing to come back and discuss further, then there are possibilities that they can be partially accepted.”

DSP Media currently in meeting with KARA members to find a mutual agreement
目前正和KARA成員開會 尋求雙方共識

提交了解除合同通報的KARA 3名成員(韓勝妍、鄭妮可、姜智英),25日與所屬公司DSP Media展開協商,一起尋求圓滿的解決方案。DSP方面表示:“協商正在進行中,以找到解決問題的方法。目前還在討論細節,所以現在不能說太多,請大家原諒。”


我們DSP傳媒正在盡最大努力與通報解除專屬合同的韓勝妍、鄭妮可、姜智英3人協商,以尋求圓滿的解決方案。25日上午10時,KARA 3人通過法律代表提出了協商的要求,因此目前正在進行商討,因為細節問題還在討論中,所以不能透露詳細內容,請大家諒解。


Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALWARNING on January 25, 2011

It was recently announced on January 25th that the three estranged members of KARA (Han Seungyeon, Jung Nicole, and Kang Ji Young) have been working together with DSP Media to find a mutual agreement and solve the current controversy.

“A conference is underway to find a peaceful solution. As we are currently discussing the details, we cannot yet reveal the current situation and hope for your understanding.”
The following is the official statement by DSP Media:
We, DSP Media, are currently putting in our best efforts in discussing with the three members (Han Seungyeon, Jung Nicole, and Kang Ji Young), who requested a contract termination with the agency on January 19th, to find a mutual solution.

On January 25th at 10 AM, we received a request from the three members’ legal representative, thus we are now currently in a conference to find a peaceful solution. As we are currently discussing the details, we cannot yet reveal the current situation and hope for your understanding.

For the sake of their important fans, KARA members have not changed their belief that the group must continue as five, and in order to stop this situation from escalating any further, both sides are hoping that a mutual agreement can be made.

Furthermore, as much as we are trying to find a peaceful solution, we sincerely request to suppress from releasing random articles.

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