南韓藝人團體近日相繼傳出與經紀公司間的合約糾紛。5人女子組合「KARA」中的4名成員,提出要與所屬經紀公司解約要求。去年5人男子組合「東方神起」 中的3名成員訴請與經紀公司解除專屬合約,並造成之後的組合分裂。了解狀況的人指出,這與韓國演藝界獨特的新人培養生態有關,但無疑的也給韓流人氣潑了一 盆冷水。
日本共同社報導,這些不滿的根本原因,在於南韓演藝經紀公司獨特的經營方式。藝人在被星探發現後就與經紀公司簽訂長期合約,並接受嚴格訓練。在這個過程中經 紀公司投入大量財力使藝人接受舞蹈、歌唱、演技的專業訓練,最終作為一個完成品讓他們出道,而這一期間有時甚至超過5年。藝人出道後,很多經紀公司為收回 投資成本,一邊安排緊張的活動日程,一邊壓低他們的個人收入,所以南韓有人批評這類合約根本就是賣身契。
DSP Media to meet with KARA on January 25th
Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 24,2011
DSP Media has revealed that they will be trying their absolute best in reaching a compromise with the three estranged KARA members on January 25th.
Representatives reported on the 24th, “We received notice that they will be meeting on the 25th at 10 AM. We have yet to receive a location.”
When asked how they would respond to request of a management shuffle, which became an issue earlier on, they responded, “They would not bring such unrealistic requests to the table. We believe that as much as the three have expressed a desire in maintaining KARA, they will be realistic in their plan. KARA is the most important right now, and protecting the team is our highest priority. We believe that their opinions aren’t much more different than ours.”
They concluded, “Our stance is still the same as well. The only way to solve a misunderstanding is through conversation and compromise. The reason we haven’t been taking any other type of action is to prevent the issue from exacerbating and to promote conversation. This is the best we can do, and we will continue to do our best in protecting KARA, so please refrain from further creating distorted rumors or speculations.”
KARA 主演的日本TV東京的《URAKARA》共有12部,目前KARA已經拍完了第四部的前一段。自1月19日KARA向經濟公司DSP傳媒通報解除專屬合同之後,組合的韓日活動都處於中斷狀態,此次KARA一致決定完成與日本電視台簽訂的電視劇拍攝合同。分析認為,即使情況進一步惡化,韓勝妍(音)、尼可 (音)、姜智英(音)等三名宣布退出組合的成員出於現實的計算,也會繼續在日本的活動。
KARA五名成員雖然一致同意重新開展在日本的活動,但對於經紀公司的問題,成員們之間的分歧卻始終未能統一。3名成員再三表示,已經無法再信任現在的經紀人,無法繼續活動。據悉,要求南韓演藝製作者協會進行仲裁的3名要脫離組合的成員方面已經於1月24日向DSP方面轉達了要求條件。經證實,她們的要求包括“李鎬研(音)代表的夫人要退出公司的經營”、“安排新的經紀人團隊”、“吸收KARA三名成員方面的法律代理人共同參與簽訂合同”等內容。DSP傳媒的李鎬研代表繼去年腦出血暈倒後,其夫人便 一直負責經營公司。
Core Contents Media CEO orders boycott of the YPA due to KARA conflict
Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 23, 2011
年輕製作人協會支持KARA 3名成員,CCM社長強硬應對
Core Contents Media公司社長金光秀,對於年輕製作人協會支持KARA 3名成員解除合同通報的聲明毫不掩飾地表達了不快。金光秀代表在24日上午的通話採訪中表示:“年輕製作人協會的發言掩蓋了大多數製作人的想法。因此,我已經要求和年輕製作人協會有關聯的各大線上音樂網站,立即中斷我們公司旗下藝人的電視劇、電影原聲音樂和專輯的數字音源服務。”
他還說道:“我已經向Loen和Mnet發送了公文,要求撤銷我們藝人的音源。年輕製作人協會的發言失去了立場,即使可能挨駡,我也要以業界元老的身份做出強硬的回應。”另外,金光秀社長還曾在之前的採訪中驚爆發言,表示如果KARA 3人離開現在的經紀公司,她們就應該永遠離開南韓業界,並要求相關協會阻止此事的發生。
The CEO of Core Contents Media, Kim Kwang Su, expressed his displeasure with the Young Producers’ Association (YPA) due to their support of the three KARA members.
The YPA had made an official statement on January 23rd, which criticized the tactics of DSP Media and made it clear that they were standing with the members’ decision to stand against their agency.
In an interview with Star News on the 24th, Kim retorted, “The statement made by YPA glosses over the stances of the majority of producers. Because of their statement, I have ordered an immediate halt on the distribution of dramas, movie OSTs, and digital services of our artists on all digital music sites related to the YPA.”
Kim continued, “I have sent an official document to Loen and Mnet to take down our artists’ songs. The YPA has lost their ground, and even if my decision is not regarded favorably, such strong actions are needed as a veteran of the industry.”
YPA speaks out against DSP Media in support of KARA
Source: My Daily via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 23, 2011
On January 23rd, the Young Producers’ Association (YPA) released a statement in support of KARA’s three members as they stand against DSP Media.
The YPA announced:
“DSP Media’s failure to reveal clear balance statements and contract documents resulted in a broken trust, and consequently, this dispute. This issue is vastly different from that of TVXQ’s.
The other entertainment agencies which house idol groups (this includes SM Entertainment) all provide receipts and balance statements to the parents, who act as the singers’ legal representatives. This is a request that is within the singers’ rights, but it’s also the duty of the company to ensure that they provide clear and transparent contract documents.
The contract that has been used by DSP Media thus far has been followed without recognition by the members or their parents. Although they repeatedly made requests to see balance statements and information regarding their contracts, their requests were ignored. DSP Media seems intent on obsessing over the fact that the members filed a one-sided contract termination notice instead.
They’re extremely selfish in their claim, as they have been arguing that the issue comes from the greed of the members and their parents, when the issue actually stems from the company. They have attempted to drive the idea of KARA being immoral singers with the help of the Korea Entertainment Producers’ Association [KEPA] and other production companies, who only seek the protection of their own rights. By using issues that have nothing to do with the controversy, such as the competitor who attempted to lure KARA away from their agency, DSP Media is shading the public’s eyes to the real heart of the problem.
The five members of KARA remaining together is definite. All it requires is for the company to reveal all of the requested documents as transparently as possible. Should there be no problem in those documents, a proper apology and make-up should follow.
The international growth of the Korean music industry relies heavily on the competition within the country. It is the duty of production companies to eradicate wrong customs in order to create fair and transparent systems to further fuel the competitions.“
The YPA is an association created by young album production companies in order to compete in the culture and contents business. The YPA consists of Open World Entertainment, Pledis, Doori Star, and many others.