JYJ的音樂隨筆“THEIR ROOMS—我們的故事”,自3日開始預售以來,已經席捲了各大網上書店,掀起了出版物網購的狂潮。
2010年,JYJ的專輯“The Beginning”曾經創下了52萬張訂單的出版界神話,一時間成了人們的焦點話題,此次的音樂隨筆,勢頭強勁一絲毫不遜色于上一次。 此音樂隨筆中不僅收錄了在首爾公演時公開的MISSION,PIERROT, ‘FALLEN LEAVES,而且這幾首哥都是JYJ成員自己的填詞作曲的。
by lawlietta on January 23, 2011
JYJ has got fans at the edges of their seats in anticipation for their music essay, “Their Rooms, Our Story” (우리 이야기 “Our Story”), and with its release, the public has brand new tracks to feast on!
As a self-composed album, the credits recognize Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu for the production, directing, lyrics, composition and chorus. Furthermore, the piece reveals handwritten messages and a collection of casual photos, giving fans an intimate look at their everyday lives.
Without further ado…!
Mission (composed & written by Junsu, rap by Yoochun):
Ideal Scenario (I.D.S) (composed & written by Jaejoong):
Nine (composed & written by Jaejoong):
Pierrot (composed & written by Jaejoong):
Fallen Leaves (composed & written by Junsu):
A Song Without a Name, Pt 1 – one minute excerpt (composed & written by Yoochun):
- Jan 24 Mon 2011 07:39
sk JYJ(俊秀,在中,有天) 釋出音樂隨筆6首新歌 unleashes music essay, “우리 이야기Their Rooms,“Our Story”