Source: Twitter
by lawlietta on January 23, 2011
If reports of Kara’s members, their parents & composer being determined to keep the pop quintet united aren’t enough, fans from a variety of backgrounds are voicing their support and encouragement for Kara to stay together as five – and that includes one of Japan’s richest men.
Masayoshi Son (孫正義/손정의), the billionaire founder and CEO of SoftBank Capital who happens to be a third-generation Korean living in Japan, recently posted a Twitter message regarding Kara that has gained many fans’ attention. “Kara is good! Shouldn’t break up,” he tweeted.
SoftBank is Japan’s largest conglomerate and, with his influence, fans are hoping that Masayoshi’s message will reach his 750,000+ followers and garner more support for Kara’s current plight.
Seungyeon & Jiyoung's fathers to 談判negotiate with DSP Media
在23日下午播出的MBC演藝資訊節目“Section TV演藝通信”中,KARA成員姜智英的父親通過電話採訪表示:“決定星期一(24日)與經紀公司DSP娛樂協商。”
Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 23, 2011
On January 23rd, the fathers of KARA’s Jiyoung and Seungyeon spoke with reporters from MBC’s “Section TV“ through a phone interview and revealed, “We have decided to negotiate with DSP Entertainment for the 24th.”
Jiyoung’s father said,”Whether she returns to DSP has yet to be decided, but I hope to create good results through yielding little by little. The members have expressed that they cannot separate no matter what.”
Seungyeon’s father added, “It’s not possible to be 100% satisfied in life. You just live. KARA consists of five members, it cannot be KARA with one missing. I spoke with Seungyeon and she was crying. Emotionally, she was probably very shocked.”
神秘人物幕後操縱KARA解約 主演日劇或許停播
人氣女子團體KARA三名成員韓勝妍、姜智英、鄭妮可向所屬經紀公司DSP Media提出解約,是因為幕後有人操控所致。一方面,三人的代表律師也于當日在首爾舉行記者會,表明不排除所有的成員回歸DSP的可能性“她們都希望保持KARA的完整性”。
目前直接受到KARA解約騷動影響的是東京電視臺的劇集《URAKARA》(每週五深夜0點12分播出)的正常拍攝。DSP正式取消了KARA全員原定於22日來日本拍攝的計畫。《URAKARA》於本月14日播出,KARA至今只完成了3集(第三集在28日放映)的拍攝。電視臺的關係者回應道: “如果解約的事情不能在短期內得到解決的話,我們會考慮中止電視劇的播出”。
KARA's parents might seek the help of KEPA to facilitate reunification
Source: TV Report, Khan News
by VITALSIGN on January 22, 2011
According to reports by the Union News, KARA’s Nicole, Seungyeon, and Jiyoung are currently discussing soliciting arbitration from the Korea Entertainment Producers’ Association (KEPA).
An industry representative, and also an associate of the three girls, ‘J‘, stated, “The parents of the three have expressed a desire to discuss matters with DSP Media. They’re also considering to request mediation from the KEPA.”
‘J’ has been making headlines as the close friend of Nicole’s mother, and for also allegedly being the figure behind the entertainment company that offered KARA new contracts under his own agency and to pay for their contract termination penalties.
‘J’, who expressed that he knew about the rumors, answered, “I was targeted to be the one offering contracts from behind, but that’s ridiculous. It’s true that I’m helping them, but it’s under a completely different understanding. I lived in the same apartment as Nicole in the U.S. and have been close with the members’ parents for a while. I listened to their concerns and gave advice from a third party perspective. I don’t even want to get into the rumor about me supposedly investing $4 million USD into an agency to take in KARA.”
He also revealed that he met with the parents yesterday and that he has been watching over the entire ordeal right alongside them. The problem is not money, he claimed, but a matter of broken trust and the problems that arose after the CEO’s wife took his place after his hospitalization.
‘J’ continued, “The remaining years left in each of the members’ contracts are different. If the original CEO was present, then we wouldn’t think twice about re-contracting under DSP, but DSP has blocked the girls from visiting the CEO in the hospital and withdrew information regarding his health. If they hadn’t done that, the girls would have at least stuck by their contract out of loyalty to the CEO. The company instead tried to hide things and never once showed proper balance statements and contract documents. DSP wanted to ‘make at least one more member return so that they can continue promotions with a new member addition’ and have been continuously attempting to meet with Seungyeon and Jiyoung’s parents in an attempt to persuade them with higher income distributions. They do not realize that this is an issue of broken trust.”
He added, “The three parents are not thinking at all about whether they’ll be returning to the company, or whether they’ll be looking for another company. They just believe that they want KARA as five. The parents will be negotiating with the company. Because of foolish speculations like ‘the parents are doing it for the money’, and further misunderstandings with the company, I, too, told them to negotiate.”
On the other hand, representatives of DSP Media revealed to TV Report on January 22nd, “We have evidence proving that ‘J’ tried to win over the parents of KARA and that he is one of the figures behind this controversy. It isn’t physical evidence, but we definitely have it.”
KARA妮可韓勝妍姜智英3人的法律代表洪律師在21日召開的記者招待會上曾暗示如果各種問題得到了解決,那麼有可能重返經紀公司。但是應該改善的條件是什麼,並沒有明確表明。對此金女士也做出了簡短的說明,她說:“在記者招待會之前,我對洪律師說不要作出可能引起爭議的發言,特別是刺激經紀公司DSP Media的話。所以沒有提及具體的條件。”最後金女士表示:“如果到了方便說話的時候,會把一切都公開。”之後就掛斷了電話。
KARA's Nicole's mother reveals her thoughts and addresses rumors
Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 21, 2011
Nicole’s mother, Shirley Kim, expressed her thoughts on KARA’s contract termination for the first time since the reports were announced.
She’s been targeted as the ringleader of the controversy, and even badmouthed DSP Media in a series of posts she wrote on her Twitter.
Through a phone call with TV Report on January 21st, Kim stated, “I have nothing to say. I’m speaking through my legal representatives.” She then attempted to hang up the phone until reporters mentioned rumors regarding ‘hundreds of thousands of dollars behind her back.’ Kim quickly replied, “That’s completely groundless, I’ll explain that immediately.”
Ever since the 20th, the entertainment industry was abuzz with rumors speculating the entertainment agency manager, ‘J,‘ the one that offered KARA better contracts, to be a close friend of Kim.
Kim began angrily shouting into the phone, “I have a friend that is in commerce and a friend that owns a hospital. If I’m sick, who will I go to? Obviously the friend with the hospital! The ‘J’ that works in the entertainment industry is my friend of 19 years. Isn’t it obvious that I’d go to him to discuss what’s been happening?”
At the mention of ‘J’ offering a new contract worth hundreds of thousands, Kim replied, “That rumor makes absolutely no sense. I want to move out right now, but I don’t have enough money, what are you talking about?”
When asked about the possibility of the three members returning to DSP, she replied, “Before the press conference, I told Hong not to mention what could turn into a controversy. I told him to exclude anything that could stimulate DSP, which is why the terms weren’t stated. Should a situation arise where I’m able to talk more comfortably, I will express everything then.”
KARA VS.東方神起,解約門事態3大不同點!
KARA三人鄭妮可,姜智英,韓勝妍向所屬公司DSP MEDIA提出解除專屬合約以來,KARA正面臨著如之前東方神起解約門事件一樣造成現在東方神起2人組和JYJ一樣一拍兩散的分裂危機.然而,東方神起 事件和KARA事件雖然有不少的共同點,卻也存在著根本性的不同點.這樣的不同點為KARA最終不解體,緩解糾紛后接續展開演藝事業提供了很大的可能性.
# 希望5人繼續一起活動的成員們,家長,及經紀公司
東方神起事件當時,金俊秀,朴有天,金在中等3人提出解約后迅速就進入了法律訴訟程序.且3人及家長,和經紀公司一開始就站在強硬且尖銳的對立面上.而 KARA3人則不同.3人的家長一直都在表明願望,希望KARA5人可以繼續以一個團體繼續活動.這種意願也已經于21日以報導資料的形式,通過法律代理人在記者見面會上進行了明確表達.
KARA的韓勝妍,鄭妮可,姜智英的法律代理人洪明浩律師,21日在首爾江南區驛三洞法務法人LANDMARK事務所召開記者招待會,針對KARA3人是否有可能復歸DSP MEDIA一事表態說,"不能說完全沒有那種可能性".由此可見,KARA3人方面的重心傾向于保存KARA這個5人團體.再有,朴奎利,具荷拉,韓勝妍等KARA5名成員都希望看到KARA還是5個人的KARA,並且此項願望非常強烈.這也與當時的東方神起事件不同.DSP方面也表示,爲了最終促成KARA5人能再一起展開演繹活動,正在做著各方面的努力.
# 粉絲們的立場和大眾輿論,藝人和演藝團體的態度
另有一人孫志昌,KARA的成名曲作曲家韓載浩,某演藝集團代表金光秀等藝人和演藝相關人士也在積極發揮力量,希望改善KARA事件的現有事態,并正在產生著肯定性的影響.這一點與東方神起事件當時是大為不同的.而且南韓演藝製作者協會(以下:演制恊)也正式介入進行中間協調,這勢必會對KARA事件的發 展起到不小的作用.
# 團體分裂或解散后的文化商品消費創出力
如果KARA事件沒有得到妥善解決,最終以分裂或解體告終的話,她們各自活動的情況下,唱片,公演等文化商品的消費力將會遠遠不及東方神起.最為當時最大的男子偶像團體,東方神起各個成員都擁有著各自忠誠度相當高的粉絲.這一點是女子團體無法企及的.東方神起的允浩和昌珉2人組,和金俊秀-朴有天-金在中的JYJ,即使分開活動還是保有著一定程度的專輯銷量和公演門票賣出率.雖然與原來東方神起整體出動時的輝煌無法相比,但創出也是相當可觀. 在這一點上,認為KARA解體后不會有這種效果的主張目前占著主導地位.