Kizuna [CD+DVD / Jacket A]
Catalog No. AVCD-48019
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/02/23
2011年、20歳になる北乃きいの3rd SINGLE! "絆"をテーマに歌う今作は、同世代へ贈る旅立ちの歌! ドラマ BeeTV『虹の向こうへ』主題歌「トドカナイ」含む全3曲収録。 DVDには、「絆」(Music Clip)、Off Shotを収録予定。
Source: Oricon
by kurumi on January 18, 2011
The single, which will be released on February 23rd, will be her third release as a singer. Kitano will be turning 20-years-old shortly after its release, and she therefore hopes to show off a more “adult” image after the cherry blossom pink of her first single, “Sakura Saku”,and summer orange colors of her second single, “Hanataba.”
“Kizuna” is described as an “answer” to her first single “Sakura Saku,” and will show her transformation from girl into woman. The lyrics are intended to relay the importance of establishing relationships with people as you begin to enter the stage in your life when you must grow up.
Three editions of this single are available: a CD+DVD version, a CD+PHOTOBOOK version, and a CD-only version, each featuring an “adult” Kitano Kie on the cover. The DVD will contain the PV and a behind-the-scenes video.
Check out the covers below!
CD-Only Version
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 18:05
nippon avex 北乃綺 3單3款 Kii Kitano releases covers and gives insight for upcoming single, “Kizuna”