AAA 5th Anniversary Live 20100912 at Yokohama Arena
Catalog No. AVBD-91840
Number of discs 2
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/03/16
横浜アリーナでの記念すべき5周年ライヴ「AAA 5th Anniversary LIVE」をDVD化!1dayライヴにてAAA史上過去最高の1万2千人を動員した、記念すべき5周年ライヴ「AAA 5th Anniversary LIVE」がファン待望のDVD化! AAAメンバーが横浜アリーナを縦横無尽に駆け回り全27曲を熱唱! ライヴで行った全曲を完全収録!! 初回限定特典映像にはメイキング&企画映像を収録予定!
Source & photo : natalie
by Novaforever on January 18, 2011
AAA has revealed that they will be releasing a special two disc DVD titled “AAA 5th Anniversary LIVE 20100912 at Yokohama Arena” on March 16th.
The concert was held in Yokohama in September of last year. It was a special live in celebration of the 5th anniversary of the idol group and a record breaking 12,000 fans attended the event. The DVD will feature the “AAA 5th Anniversary LIVE” footage of all 27 songs, plus the limited first print edition will also contain a special making of featurette and video compilation.
AAA ”AAA 5th Anniversary LIVE 20100912 at Yokohama Arena” Tracklist:
・One Night Animal
・Kuchibiru kara Romantica
・Heart and Soul
・Dream After Dream
・Believe own way
・Find you
・Hide & Seek
・solo corner
(Kimono Jet Girl、ZERO、BET、Asutarabisuta、Deai no Chikara)
(Rising Sun、Brand New World、ONE)
・Witer Lander!!
・Aitai Riyuu
・Makenai Kokoro
・Break Down
・Get Chuu!
・Hurricane Riri, Boston Mary
・Day by Day
・Making of and films (first print limited only)