Source + Photo: Daum
by delacroix on January 19, 2011
Seungyeon, Hara, Jiyoung and Nicole, the 4 out of 5 members of Kara, previously released a statement regarding their decision to leave their management company, DSP Media. Since then, DSP has released an official statement about the issue in which they argued against some of the four members’ points. Now that Goo Hara changed her mind to return to DSP, the remaining three members decided to press on with their offense and released another statement through Landmark, their legal representatives
Below is the second statement released by Landmark;
The loss of faith in our company is what hurts us the most!
The members of Kara and DSP Media began to lose trust in one another ever since the change in DSP’s top management which occurred in March 2010. This is due to the fact that the members of the new management, who lacked professional knowledge, failed to provide proper management for Kara. The current executive director of DSP Media is the wife of Mr. Lee Ho Yeon, the ex-director who is currently ill. She has never worked in the entertainment management industry before; and so far, she has only been concerned about DSP’s profits and the health of DSP. She failed to build a trusting relationship with the members of Kara as she disregarded situations and the growth potential of the members.
The contract turned into a registration form!
The members of Kara signed the contract for their work in Japan under the knowledge that it was a simple registration form. The members and the parents were told that the contract, which was in Japanese, was a form for simply registering as a music artist in Japan. This made them sign the contract without knowing that they were signing a contract, and when they asked for a copy of the contract after the fact, a DSP employee declined their request as the contract was not to be released outside of the company.
The company had no rights to make deals in Japan!
The executive director of DSP Japan, the company in charge of Kara’s work in Japan, is the same person as the original DSP executive director (wife of Lee Ho Yeon). The company removed part of the earnings as a share of DSP Japan, and then paid the members with a percentage of the remaining portion. This means that the same manager, who owns both companies, cut Kara’s share of the earnings through a transaction out of formality, which resulted in Kara getting taxed twice by the company. According to their contract with DSP, Kara members had their rights violated by this action.
Karaya is owned by the executive director and his family!
Karaya is an online clothing store for which three members of Kara (Gyuri, Hara and Jiyoung) work as models. It is owned by the current executive director of DSP Media, and other managerial positions are held by the director’s family members, which clearly shows that this is another scheme to profit from the Kara members. Karaya also made the members wear clothing with the inappropriate line “BEST FUCKIN FIVE” on it then posted the photos on its website, which not only disregarded the reputation of the members, especially Jiyoung who is a minor, but also resulted in heavy complaints from Kara’s fans. This action by DSP was a clear display of how the DSP disregards the reputation or profit of the artists and is only concerned about the profits of itself.
Silvia at
我們開始對DSP Media失去信任是從2010年3月公司代表換人開始。新的公司管理人並沒有相關的經歷,無法提供最好的管理給Kara!會換成原本代表的老婆Lee Ho Yeon是因為代表生病。因為Lee Ho Yeon沒有相關的經驗,導致她只關注於DSP的利潤和公司的營運。她卻沒有和我們建立起相互信任的關係,她無視Kara的情況和成員成長潛力!
在日本公司的代表其實就是Lee Ho Yeon,導致明明是同一個代表(擁有兩間公司)卻對Kara所賺的錢抽成兩次。並且根據DSP合約,這個已經違反了她們的權益!
Karaya這個線上服飾品牌是由奎利荷拉和智英當其模特兒。但事實上其所有權是DSP的代表和其他代表家人的公司理事,這很明顯是從Kara身上獲取利益的另一個方式!甚至刊登成員穿上文字不恰當的衣服(BEST FUCKIN FIVE)於服飾官網上,這不單單造成成員們名聲的損毀,因為智英是最小的成員,但卻必須受到粉絲嚴重的指責!這很明顯顯示DSP只為了自身的利益卻忽略成員們的名譽!
Kara3人發表正式聲明和東家解約 控訴經紀公司罪狀
2010年3月DSP經營者換人後[李浩延代表離職後],一群沒有任何專業素養的經營隊伍開始管理Kara,組合得不到任何實質性的演藝活動計劃, 經紀公司和成員們之間的信賴度開始惡化。現在DSP媒體的負責人是李浩延前代表的夫人,從未參與過任何演藝企劃和經紀活動,也未曾考慮到成員們的成長可能性和實際狀況,僅追求公司的利益最終導致和成員之間的關系破裂。
負責Kara日本活動的DSP JAPAN代表理事不僅被選為現經紀公司的代表理事,還任意制定了日本範圍內所得款項中一部分將作為DSP JAPAN的手續費,然後所剩餘款才分給經紀公司和Kara的不當分配方式,也使得同一代表在2家公司間透過形成上的交易,毫無任何根據的分得2杯羹,完 全侵犯了合約上Kara的權利。
成員中3人[奎利,荷拉,智英]代言的購物網站,由DSP的代表理事出任該網站的代表理事,其家族將成員們標榜成為經營團隊利用她們,只考慮到利 益。此外該網站還讓成員們穿上寫有「BEST FUCKIN FIVE」的衣服,並拍下照片上傳至網站中,引起了粉絲的強烈抗議,不顧及還有未成年人,嚴重損壞了成員們的名譽和自尊。他們這種無視藝人利益和名譽只看 重公司利益的不負責任的做法令人無法忍受。
DSP Media方面稱,"具荷拉自己找到辦公室來道歉說對不起...撤銷了解約訴求后就回去了".於此同時,DSP Media發表正式立場,表示因為李浩然社長健康不佳而導致的企劃不周一說無根無據,現在在日本(KARA)的人氣就是最好的證明,而此事對成員在日本的 活動產生了不良影響也不是事實."
對於收益分配上的爭論,也有相當大的歪曲和誤會.在如果仔細說明收益分配,則其實是根據利於KARA的方面進行的分配,費用清算,分配時機這些方面也和 KARA之前的聲明內容不同,而是在資金入帳后,就及時非配給所有成員了.還希望KARA作為韓流熱潮的主角人物,不要再用其他更多毫無根據的指控,對公司造成名譽損壞.
KARA成員和DSP Media的解約糾紛再次令南韓歌謠界弊病浮出水面,引起了人們娛樂圈的再次質疑.
KARA成員韓勝妍,姜智英,鄭妮可,具荷拉,19日通過法務法人通報了與所屬公司DSP Media解除專屬合約的決定.并同時要求終止經紀事務.
KARA4人通過法律代理人發表聲明說,“DSP亂用職權,強迫成員們參加她們不想參加的演藝活動,并進行人格褻瀆,強迫簽各種無理合約,給成員們帶來了非常大的精神困擾. 所屬公司和藝人本應在相互信任的前提下合作,但現在公司完全把KARA當成賺錢的工具在利用”.
KARA提告公司 不甘當搖錢樹
酬勞太低 疑父母主導提告
DSP Entertainment responds to TV report article文章
Source: Edaily via Yahoo! Korea
by delacroix on January 19, 2011
Earlier today we reported details regarding Kara’s contract, uncovered by TV report in midst of this very significant controversy. Edaily, a Korean online newspaper, contacted DSP Entertainment today regarding the report; and here is what the group’s management company had to say about the allegations against them.
A representative from DSP explained to Edaily through a phone interview today that they paid each members of Kara around 300 million Won per person ($300,000) last year, more than half of which has already been paid during the first half of the year. When questioned why the members were only paid $3,000 this past December, the representative explained that it was based from a promotion with a franchise of a convenience store during August. DSP received 3 million Yen ($40,000) from the deal, and the Kara members each received $3,000 from this according to the representative. So some may be curious on why they were only paid a share of this promotion and not their album and single sales? The representative explained this as well.
He went on to claim that Kara was offered a share of profit that was much higher than the going rate in the Japanese music industry. Japanese artists usually receive only 1% of the total album and single sales, and because DSP believed that this amount was unfair for Kara, they offered to pay the members around 20-30% of DSP’s share in the sales. In Japan, the distributor takes 84% of the album/single sales, leaving the management company with the remaining 16%. In DSP’s case, they had to split it evenly with Universal Japan, which is Kara’s management company in Japan. Hence, DSP was to receive 8% of the total album/single sales, and they would have had to pay only 1/8 of it to Kara members. However, the representative stated that they felt that the amount was unfair for Kara, so they had offered the parents of the members 20-30% of DSP’s share, which would be 1.6-2.4% of the total sales, rather than 1%.
Lastly, he stated that the Kara members were supposed to receive the third quarter profits in December, but this couldn’t be done because the parents didn’t give an answer to their offer.
A lot of information from this interview are contradicting of other reports, mostly the ones that were written in favor of Kara. This interview does give one piece of information that is of value; the fact that dispute most likely started over profit distribution of album and single sales in Japan, and the members’ parents were heavily involved in this. Reminds us of another group of the past, doesn’t it?
Stay tuned to allkpop for more on this story as it develops.