Seungyeon and Hara avoiding the media at Incheon Airport this morning after returning from Thailand

[Update Below]

Leader Park Gyuri gave her thoughts on the situation here.



女子團體KARA莫非也要步東方神起後塵,團體成員分道揚鑣?在KARA和所屬公司的解約糾紛鬧得紛紛揚揚的時候,KARA的隊長朴圭利宣佈退出解約糾紛.除她之外的KARA其他成員韓勝妍,姜智英,鄭妮可,具荷拉,19日通過法務法人通報了與所屬公司DSP Media解除專屬合約的決定.并同時要求終止經紀事務.

KARA4人通過法律代理人發表聲明說,“DSP亂用職權,強迫成員們參加她們不想參加的演藝活動,并進行人格褻瀆,強迫簽各種無理合約,給成員們帶來了非常大的精神困擾. 所屬公司和藝人本應在相互信任的前提下合作,但現在公司完全把KARA當成賺錢的工具在利用”.


對朴圭利不參與解約一事,外界紛紛討論是否會出現第二個“東方神起”.東方神起也是從與所屬公司的合約糾紛開始,慢慢造成了今天兩個東方神起的局面.細亞 俊秀,秘奇有天,英雄在中另起爐灶以JYJ名義進行演藝活動,瑜鹵允浩和最強昌珉則選擇留在SM公司,繼續以東方神起的身份存在,目前雙方也是爭鋒相對.

KARA 4名成員解除合同的法律事務代理landmark的洪明浩律師在通話採訪中表明瞭強硬的立場。


KARA宣佈 將與經紀公司分道揚鑣

女生組合KARA向經濟公司DSP媒體通報了解約意願。法務法人Land Mark19日說,KARA已要求DSP媒體解除專署合同,中斷經紀業務。他們表示,經紀公司利用其地位強迫組合成員參加不情願的演藝活動,侮辱了成員的人格。他們還說,經紀公司在未做出任何說明的情況下,單方面簽署了各種合同,給KARA成員們帶來了極大的精神痛苦。成員們目前深陷挫折感,難以同經紀公司繼續維持正常的合同關係。





Source: Star News #1, #2 via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 18, 2011

With the industry still reeling from the news that KARA’s Seungyeon, Nicole, Hara, and Jiyoung were filing to terminate their exclusive contracts with their agency, DSP Media, it was hit with yet another shocking piece of news. It was reported that DSP Media has applied for trademark rights over the ‘KARA’ name – many had already believed that the ‘KARA’ name was patented by this point, considering the strength of the group’s success.

According to information revealed by a patent browser on January 19th, DSP Media requested to trademark 85 different clauses regarding KARA on December 7th, 2010. Because it is still only an application, DSP Media does not have rights over the name yet, but should it become finalized, the members will need special permission from DSP in order to continue under the name of ‘KARA’.
Such recent developments have raised speculations over whether DSP Media predicted KARA’s move and attempted to take advantage of the situation by submitting the patent.

Trademark rights have always been a central issue whenever artists move onto different agencies, as the original agency is reluctant to allow those artists to promote under the same name once they leave.
The four girls were asked whether they would be open to compromising with DSP Media, in regards to their lawsuit against them. Hong Myungho of Trademark spoke through Star News and replied, “Before we reported the news to the public, we discussed with the parents of the four members and considered everyones’ opinions. Nobody has expressed a desire to continue moving forward with DSP Media. We will have to come to an agreement on various outstanding issues with DSP Media, in order to move on with the termination.

When asked why Park Gyuri was excluded from their report, Hong replied, “We are working only for the four members, so we are not sure of Gyuri’s position. We’ve been in discussion with the members’ parents since two months ago. At the time, they attempted several times to reach a compromise with their agency, but because they could not reach one, they decided to terminate their contracts instead.

KARA's Seungyeon, Nicole, Hara, & Jiyoung to split from DSP Media

Source + Photos: Star Today, Star News
by VITALSIGN on January 18, 2011

Reports of KARA splitting from their agency, DSP Media Entertainment, has sent shockwaves throughout the music industry. The members of KARA, excluding leader Gyuri, reasoned that they had lost their confidence in their relationship with DSP Media Entertainment, and that it could never be regained again.

Landmark, KARA’s lawyers, reported on January 19th:

Despite KARA receiving much love from their activities in both Korea and Japan, the members have experienced inexplicable pain that brought them to this decision. They’ve held it in for a long time, but in order to protect their rights and their future, the members have decided to part ways from their company.
KARA has tried their absolute best in compromising with their company prior to their decision, but their agency used their power in forcing the members to fulfill schedules that they did not want, and continuously added activities on top of a loaded schedule without prior consent or discussion. The psychological damages that the members were forced to endure cannot be explained in words, and their efforts have gone to waste. Their misery is severe, and they can no longer remain under such a company, which is why they decided to declare their withdrawal.
Trust is the most important aspect of a relationship between an agency and its artist, but the agency has been using KARA as a way to make money. A variety of issues that have not been stated are still present. The agency has decided the majority of the girls’ celebrity activities without any sort of discussion or meeting, and has rejected requests asking for explanations or for proper documents. Their relationship has been destroyed to the point that it could never be restored again.

Representatives of DSP Media commented, “This is ridiculous, we are not sure what went wrong. We have yet to understand the situation. We’ll be releasing an official statement soon.”

However, because Park Gyuri is not joining the members’ lawsuit, it’s expected to have an impact on KARA’s future activities. KARA is currently filming for their Japanese drama, “URAKARA,” and has been juggling activities both in Korea and Japan. With the group being split into 4:1, many are expecting a variety of different issues to stem from this lawsuit.

Kara 4人宣布和東家解約 朴奎利去留成謎

Kara成員韓勝妍,Nicole,具荷拉和姜智英4人的法律代理LAND MARK19日表示:「Kara將和現經紀公司DSP解除合約。Kara在和經紀公司解約之前作出了最大的努力希望能夠維持合約關系,但是經紀公司亂用條 約強迫成員們無條件遵守他們安排的演藝活動,還有許多活動是在沒得到大家的許可下所簽,讓成員們遭受了無法用言語表達的精神痛苦,成員們的努力完全白費的 自責感日益加深,不可能再維持這種經紀關系,現對外公開解除經紀合約」。

據悉Kara成員們認為和公司無法恢復的信賴關系是導致解約的最大問題,LAND MARK稱:「雖然Kara現在在日韓有著很旺的人氣,但成員們也有對外無法表達的苦楚,這才讓她們做出這樣的決定,她們已經忍了很久,最後為了保護自己的權益和為將來打算正式決定解約」。

此外Kara方面透露:「以信任為基礎的經紀公司和旗下藝人間信任最為重要,但是現在經紀公司把Kara當成賺錢的手段,還有一些沒有提到的事情存 在。經紀公司對於歌手的活動在事前都完全沒得到她們的同意,完全任意妄為,也拒絕說明其中的事由和基本資料,完全破壞了兩者間的信任關系,再也無法挽 回」。

KARA's Gyuri didn't know about the contract terminations

Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 18, 2011

After KARA’s Seungyeon, Nicole, Hara, and Jiyoung declared that they were filing a lawsuit to terminate their exclusive contracts with DSP Media, leader Gyuri revealed her thoughts on the situation through Star News.
On January 19th, she stated, “I heard only just now that my dongsaengs were terminating their contracts with our agency. I am not sure of the situation right now, I have to call the other members and our agency.”
She continued, “I saw the articles just now as well. I will find out. I’ve been alone since last night because my radio program ended late, but all I want to do is be with the KARA members right now. That is the proper path. I’ll be talking with them after I understand precisely what is going on.


4人決定離開公司的原因是與公司之間不可恢復的關係,代理KARA法律事務的法人landmark 19日表示:


“KARA為了維持和公司的關係,一直盡自己最大的努力與其協商,但是所屬公司卻用自己的地位強迫成員們完成日程,並且不做商量和討論地擅自增加行 程。成員們精神上的痛苦無法用言語表達,她們的努力也付之東流,挫折感非常嚴重。她們認為再也無法維持這份合同,所以決定發出了通報。”



TV Report uncovers details on the story behind KARA's contracts

Source: SPN, TV Report via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 18, 2011

Further details regarding KARA’s decision to terminate their exclusive contracts with DSP Media have been revealed through TV Report, Park Gyuri’s mother, and representatives of DSP Media.

TV Report claimed that industry representatives were aware of the issues surrounding KARA and their agency since December 2010. Representatives of DSP Media and Park Gyuri allege that the reason for the four members’ terminations was “eventually because of money.”

According to another industry representative, KARA brought in a total of $18 million USD in income from their Japanese promotions, but as of December 2010, the group was only paid $3,000 USD per person.

The members were also only paid for album sales for August and September of 2010, excluding CF and event appearances. The girls are said to have been paid in a greater amount for their activities aside from album and digital sales, which are all going to be paid without problems. The reason the girls are paid less for their album sales is said to be because of specific clauses in DSP’s contract with their Japanese distribution company.

Income made from the girls’ Japanese albums are calculated three months after its initial release, and 85% of the profits go to the distribution company, leaving DSP with the remaining 15%. The representative mentioned that the numbers are similar for any Korean artist advancing into the Japanese market.

Especially with DSP Media’s CEO, Lee Hoyeon, currently hospitalized, all artists under the agency were ordered to be kept under tight control. Around this time, another entertainment agency approached KARA and offered them to join their agency. The agency went as far as to offer to pay the penalties the girls would have to deal with for breaching their contracts should they take the offer.

The representative was said to have met with one of the members’ mothers to present a contract with fairer terms and a promotion plan that would instantly earn KARA enough fame to rival that of SNSD’s popularity.

The representative first met with Gyuri’s mother, but discussions did not run smoothly. In an interview with TV Report, her mother stated, “I could not betray DSP, who worked their hardest in creating who KARA is now. I have no problems with the contracts, and I trust DSP.”

Representatives of DSP further added, “There were mothers that brought up problems, so we made sure to make all related documents as transparent as possible to them. We used accountants that they chose, but in the end, they could not trust even that.

Another representative also revealed that DSP Media met with KARA’s mothers on January 18th and almost reached a compromise to reform the income distribution regarding their Japanese albums. The next day, KARA’s lawyers from Trademark announced their contract terminations.

Is there a possibility for them to reach a compromise? The industry is already speculating them to be the ’second TVXQ‘ due to the complex underlying issues.

There are definitely various problems with both parties, but the ultimate issue is the competition in trying to scout KARA, and money. The reality of these disputes with TVXQ and KARA is quite disappointing,” said one representative.

DSP Media has reasoned that they have no option left but to take legal action, predicting yet another legal battle in the industry.

KARA's Kang Jiyoung celebrates her 17th birthday

Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 18, 2011

KARA’s maknae, Kang Jiyoung, celebrated her 17th birthday on January 18th!

Jiyoung will become a high school senior this year, a year earlier than her friends because of her early birthday. Thankfully though, she was able to enjoy a peaceful birthday without interruptions from her Japanese and Korean schedules.

One representative revealed, “Kang Jiyoung will be celebrating her birthday by resting with her family, as there is no special schedule lined up.

Unfortuantely, she won’t be able to throw a party with her KARA members, as Seungyeon and Hara are in Thailand for a special program, while Nicole is in Jeju Island filming for a “Heroes” episode. Leader Gyuri is also DJing for her radio show that day.

Although KARA won’t be grouping together for her birthday, representatives revealed that they have already celebrated ‘the day of the birth of maknae’ through phone calls.

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