by VITALSIGN on January 16, 2011
SNSD’s Jessica was able to briefly escape the cold winter climate for the warmth of Bali, thanks to her photoshoot for “Singles” magazine.

Jessica was draped in a unique mix of vivid colors and expressive prints for the ‘jet set’ look. Although she was technically on the clock, the idol was apparently quite relaxed, and felt like the shoot was a brief getaway from her busy schedules.

She received unending praise from the staff for her island princess image, and drew out a variety of poses that emphasized her slim figure.

Fans can see the complete Bali photoshoot in the February edition of “Singles.”

少女時代成員Jessica在溫暖的巴厘島開始了旅行。Jessica為2月號的“Singles”雜誌拍攝了畫報。鮮豔的顏色搭配,展現了“Jet Set”概念的精髓。雖然仍然是在工作,但是這次在巴厘島的畫報拍攝讓忙碌的Jessica有了放鬆休息的機會。有時活潑有時可愛的多樣造型和姿勢以及優秀的曲線美,讓Jessica獲得了工作人員的不斷好評。


1月8日,洛杉磯某個劇院身穿寫有“Soshified”字樣的粉色T恤衫的白人女性沙拉(音,28歲)用韓文演唱了少女時代的主打歌《Gee》。沙拉是 會員人數達到12萬的美國國內少女時代歌迷俱樂部“Soshified”的會員。當天她參加了首次舉行的少女時代歌迷俱樂部定期聚會。共有500多名從美 國各地趕來的歌迷參加,同時還舉行了歌唱活動。“Soshified”是少女時代的簡稱“少時(Soshi)”和英語單詞“滿足(Satisfied)” 構成。






過 去的美國是南韓歌手不敢企及的舞台,美國流行音樂曾是韓國歌手模仿的典範。但進入2005年後,韓國音樂開始向美國發出了挑戰。Rain、寶兒、 Se7en等開始出現在美國舞台,Wonder Girls作為南韓歌手首次登上了“公告牌(Billboard)”的單曲排行榜第76名,創造了新紀錄。

2010年9月在洛杉磯召開的“SM town演唱會”就吸引了1萬5000多名美國歌迷。少女時代、Surper Junior、SHINee等SM娛樂集團所屬的歌手全部參加了這一演唱會,在演出開始前的1個月門票就全部售完。

當天“Soshified”活動現場就像是人種展示場。黑人、白人、亞洲人等均出現在了活動現場。SM USA方面表示:“參加者中有一半是西班牙裔、白人等非亞洲人種。”活動現場還播放了在南韓製作的少女時代影像。在這段視頻中,少女時代成員們勁歌熱舞, 引來了現場歌迷的陣陣歡呼。而美國歌迷中的大叔級歌迷也非常引人注意。他們用渾厚的聲音喊著“少·女·時·代”。留著長胡子的克裏米(音,49歲)介紹自 己說:“我是少女時代資深的大叔粉絲。”


“我是通過You tube。不僅是少女時代,還有KARA、SECERT等大部分韓國少女組合都非常喜歡。”



當天的活動以放飛寫有對少女時代想說的話的紙飛機結束。此外還有通過youtube向少女時代傳遞心願的“說出您的心願”的活動。Youtube、推特、 Face book等全球性網站是K-POP超出亞洲擴散到美國、歐洲等國的主要手段。雖然少女時代還沒有正式在美國舞台登場,但已經擁有了自己的大規模歌迷俱樂部,這也是源於此。

美國日刊《華盛頓日報(WSJ)》1月13日刊登了特別報道,其內容認為“少女時代能夠成功在日本出道是因為通過 youtube獲得的宣傳效果”。報道稱:“通過Youtube不需要花費宣傳費用,同時還能夠在出道前對市場反應有所了解,南韓的演藝企劃公司都在充分利用Youtube。”

‘Financial Times’ lists Winterplay, W&Whale & SNSD as Korea’s hidden gems

Source: Financial Times
by heartfacee on January 15, 2011

Recently, columnist Tyler Brûlé wrote a feature listing ten of Korea’s hidden jewels for UK’s ‘Financial Times‘. Titled “The secrets of my brilliant Korea”, the article drew the best from various categories, ranging from food to music.

The author believes that Korea’s musicians have a lot to offer to the world, as he listed three in his list alone. Ranking simultaneously at #2 are the jazz quartet Winterplay and electronic group, W&Whale. Brûlé praised, “If you add anything to your playlist this year, track down the melodic, dreamy and gently poppy tunes of these two Korean acts.”

Idol group SNSD also ranked on the list, landing on the #7 spot. The author wrote, “Girls Generation: speaking of K-Pop, it’s worth losing a few minutes on YouTube watching this ensemble of leggy girls belting out their hit single “Run Devil Run”.

It seems like the Hallyu wave is spreading wider and wider as the months go on!






Shoujo Jidai will start off the new year with “Run Devil Run”

Source: Shoujo Jidai Official Website
by kurumi - January 15, 2011

Shoujo Jidai (SNSD) plans to keep up their string of Japanese hits with a remake of their popular song, “Run Devil Run”!

According to their official Japanese website, the song will be available as a ringtone download starting January 18th, and the full version will begin distribution on the 25th. Although no official date was given for a single release, fans can assume that a Japanese version of “Run Devil Run” will hit stores sometime within the next month or so.

Stay tuned for more on this exciting release!

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