Catalog No. UPCH-5677
Label/Distributor Universal Music
Release Date 2011/01/12

新星・玉置成実 第一弾。昨今の音楽シーンを席巻しているK-POPサウンドをカヴァー!! そしてダンス&クリエイティブエロスで勝負!! 2009年韓国リリース楽曲で8つのチャートで1位制覇した「TTL/Time To Love」の日本語カバー。そして、RAPにはオリジナル「Time To Love」にも参加している超新星のグァンス・ジヒョク・ゴニルを迎え入れた期待作品。もちろん、サウンドクリエイターにも「Time To Love」のオリジナル楽曲クリエイターを起用。

by Shiso on January 8, 2011

Nami Tamaki announced earlier that she would be releasing her 20th single, ”Missing You~Time To Love~” on January 12th. With the release date only a few days away, its PV preview has finally been unveiled!

The PV reveals two concepts – the dominant concept has the singer performing in a gothic factory backdrop, complete with a beguiling lolita outfit. Meanwhile, the second set is more conceptual, as Tamaki Nami is seen encased in a glass box.

As many of you already know, this upcoming single is a cover of K-pop’s ”TTL/Time To Love“, which was a collaboration piece between Choshinsei (Supernova) and T-ara. Since Choshinsei is also Tamaki’s labelmates, members Kwangsoo, Jihyuk, and Geonil agreed to guest-star on the single as her rappers.

Check out the PV preview below!


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