Swedish singer-songwriter Lykke Li will finally release her sophomore album "Wounded Rhymes" set to be released on February 28th in the UK and March 1st in US.

We've already received the single and video for "Get Some," the first offering from the new effort and now we have the new single "I Follow Rivers". The track is a lot more soulful and definitely less aggressive then "Get Some" but still incorporates the organic sounds that are essential in a Lykke Li track. Be sure to check it out below, Enjoy!

Lykke Li covers Fader magazine

© 2010 WMG.

Upcoming 2011 Releases

January 11, 2011

Cage The Elephant - Thank You, Happy Birthday
Cake - Showroom Of Compassion
Edie Brickell - Edie Brickell
Steel Magnolia - self-titled

January 18, 2011

Greg Allman - Low Country Blues
James Blunt - Some Kind Of Trouble
Kidz Bop Kids - Kidz Bop 19
The Decemberists - The King Is Dead
The Script - Science & Faith

January 25, 2011

Amos Lee - Mission Bell
Corinne Bailey Rae - Love
Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean
Joe Nichols - Greatest Hits
Talib Kweli - Gutter Rainbows
Various Artists - 2011 Grammy Nominees

February 1, 2011

JaneDear Girls - self-titled
Mary Mary - Something Big
Matisyahu - Live at Stubb's Vol. II
Red - Until We Have Faces
Ricky Martin - Music+Soul+Sex
Rod Stewart - The Best Of... The Great American Songbook

February 8, 2011

Alison Krauss - Title TBA
Various Artists - NOW That's What I Call Music! 37
Various Artists - The Sing-Off: The Best of Season 2

February 15, 2011

Ginuwine - Elgin
Bright Eyes - The People's Key
Cali Swag District - The KickBack
Jay Sean - Freeze Time
PJ Harvey - Let England Shake

February 22, 2011

Adele - 21
John Waite - Rough & Tumble
Harry Connick Jr. - ...In Concert On Broadway
John Waite - Rough & Tumble
INXS - Original Sin
Marsha Ambrosius - Late Nights & Early Mornings

March 1, 2011

John Popper & The Duskray Troubadours - John Popper & The Duskray Troubadours
Lucinda Williams - Blessed

March 8, 2011

R.E.M. - Collapse Into Now
Avril Lavigne - Goodbye Lullaby
Beady Eye - Different Gear, Still Speeding
Lupe Fiasco - LASERS
Snoop Dogg - Doggumentary Music
Sara Evans - Stronger

March 15, 2011

Green Day - Awesome As F**k (Live CD/DVD)
Lloyd - King Of Hearts

March 22, 2011

Raphael Saadiq - Stone Rollin'
Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep
Pitbull - Planet Pit

March 29, 2011

Michael Grimm - self-titled
Peter Bjorn and John - Gimme Some
Roscoe Dash - Ready Set Go!

* 【暮光之城 2:新月】原聲帶中演繹「Possibility」的魅惑冷調瑞典音樂精靈!
* 寫下美國另類榜Top7+搖滾榜第10+流行榜NO.36+英國金榜Top37紀錄!
* 大聲爭取性別權利的主打「Get Some」,入選高收視率影集「90210亂愛高校生」重點襯樂!

AMG(4/5) + Clash(8/10) + Entertainment Weekly(A) + The Guardian(4/5) + NME(7/10) + PopMatters(9/10) + 滾石雜誌(4/5) + Slant(4.5/5) + Spin(8/10)各媒體一面倒的好評稱讚!

  一位企圖挑戰男權思想,展現強而有力的女權力量,同時帶出具備衝擊性的歌謠、別具個性的瑞典籍才女Lykke Li,早已獲得各領域的藝人矚目力捧,廣從:轟動英倫20年前衛潮流指標樂團Primal Scream、洛杉磯地下獨立嘻哈二人組N.A.S.A.、葛萊美提名的天才新秀Drake、一直到挪威雙人電音組合Royksopp...等,皆都曾邀Lykke於其作品中發聲獻藝。此外,她替電影【女生殺人宿舍Sorority Row】所演唱的「I`m Good, I`m Gone」,亦被選入滾石雜誌「2008年百大最佳歌謠」名單;2007年的「Little Bit」成為時尚名牌「維多利亞的秘密」廣告襯曲;就連當紅的【暮光之城 2:新月】原聲帶,都邀她高歌「Possibility」一曲!

  來自瑞典斯德哥爾摩的Lykke,爸媽都曾是龐克樂隊的團員,從小耳濡目染下,激起Lykke對音樂的極大興趣。2008年,於自設的LL Recordings廠牌旗下推出首張專輯“Youth Novels”,受到同鄉搖滾新勢力Peter Bjorn And John成員Bjorn Yttling力挺並擔綱製作,引起廣大迴響,登記瑞典季軍+美國熱門潛力榜Top18,打響這位來自北歐的音樂精靈!

  透過華納集團向全球發行的第二張錄音室大碟“Wounded Rhymes”,撇開少女情懷的包裝,少了19歲的孩子氣,換上成熟且自信態勢,輕抹一層晦暗色澤,多了直率言詞與陰沉調性。恩師Bjorn Yttling仍是專輯的操盤首腦,寫下美國另類榜Top7+搖滾榜第10+流行榜NO.36+英國金榜Top37的紀錄,更勝前作的商業佳績,卻也不失其藝術內涵。利用部落般的非洲鼓節奏當前引,搭上合成器適量運用的主打「Get Some」,大聲爭取性別權利,入選高收視率影集【90210亂愛高校生】重點襯樂;揭起序幕的「Youth Knows No Pain」,散射迷幻電風琴的衝擊,冷冽音感包覆穿透力,留下深刻的印象;琅琅上口的記憶點刻劃「I Follow Rivers」耐人尋味之聆賞處,討喜的順暢旋律也是吸引焦點;雖然仍是低鬱的「Sadness Is A Blessing」,卻意外牽連屬於70年代Motown靈樂的迷人頻率;以Acoustic新民謠為主架構的「I Know Places」,溫潤的和聲洗淨那份Blue感。絕對是2011整年度回顧榜單上的優碟,獲得AMG(4/5) + Clash(8/10) + Entertainment Weekly(A) + The Guardian(4/5) + NME(7/10) + PopMatters(9/10) + 滾石雜誌(4/5) + Slant(4.5/5) + Spin(8/10)各媒體一面倒的好評!

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