by Shiso on January 4, 2011
AKB48’s sub-unit Watarirouka Hashiritai will be releasing their 7th single on February 2nd, and it’s been revealed that the upcoming single will be the cover of Kokusho Sayuri’s “Valentine Kiss” from 1986. It will be released under the name of “Watarirouka Hashiritai 7“, which added two more members, Komori Mika and Iwasa Misaki.
“Valentine Kiss” was the first solo single of Kokusho Sayuri, who was the member of “Onyanko Club“, released in February 1986, and it’s still a standard Valentine’s Day song even after 25 years. It was also written by Akimoto Yasushi, who is the producer of AKB48, and who was also the producer of Onyanko Club.
The single will include an application ticket for the Valentine’s Day live which will be held on February 14th, and they will also hold a free live on February 1st. The details on bothvthe single and the free live will be revealed on their official site sometime soon.
You can watch Kokusho Sayuri’s performance of “Valentine Kiss” from 1986 here.
Catalog No. PCCA-3326
Label/Distributor Pony Canyon
Release Date 2011/02/02
現在、ニッポン放送で絶賛放送中『渡り廊下走り隊 7(セブン)』のラジオ番組内企画ユニットの"渡り廊下走り隊 7"が、番組を飛び出しニューシングル発売決定! 番組と同じく渡り廊下走り隊の5人にプラスして、AKB48から小森美果(16)、岩佐美咲(15)の2名を加えてのCDリリース! 初回盤AのDVDにはMusic Video他を収録。※初回盤Bの特典DVDとは一部収録内容が異なります。 ※各仕様とも3曲目の収録曲が異なります。(6曲目の収録曲も各仕様の3曲目のInstrumentalバージョンとなります。)
1. バレンタイン・キッス
2. ソミソミラシラ
3. 初恋よ、こんにちは
4. バレンタイン・キッス (Instrumental)
5. ソミソミラシラ (Instrumental)
6. 初恋よ、こんにちは (Instrumental)