reflect on=思考 回憶
걸스데이 “신묘년 새해에는 꼭 1위하고 싶어요”
by VITALSIGN on January 1, 2011

Since their debut last July with “Tilt My Head,” Girl’s Day has been through a few changes in not only their members, but in their concept style as well. Their talents were finally recognized by their comeback with “Nothing Lasts Forever” and earned the nickname of ‘reversal idols’ for their vast transformation since their debut.

In an interview with Sports Today, the girls left behind their sexy leather comeback outfits for the beautiful hanbok in order to reflect on their year.

Sojin started, “I always wondered whether we would have been known to more people if only we didn’t get caught up in a controversy for our vocals. We’re so very thankful that our fans gave us the nickname ‘reversal idols,’ though.

Minah said, “I am disappointed as well in not being able to show our fans a better image, but there’s still a lot of time left so please look forward to us.”

Jihae added, “During our member change, it was really hard for me mentally. If only it didn’t happen, I sometimes think maybe we would’ve been off to a better start. I’m thankful that their shoes were filled, though.”

Yura said, “As a new member, I should have been able to fill the shoes of the former members, but I’m upset in not being able to show 100% of my skils. In the new year, I’ll work hard to show a better image of myself.”

Hyeri said, “I, too, have not lived up to the expectations of a new member, but I’ll work hard for the next album.”

When asked about their goals for the year, Minah started, “I want to win #1 on a music program at least once this year.”

The girls also received a two day break in recognition of having led a busy year. When asked about their vacation pans, Sojin stated, “I’ll be going skiing with my friends, and spend the remaining day with my family.”

Minah replied, “I’ll be spending both days with my family.

Jihae replied, “I’ll be going to China with my cousin. We were originally meant to go to Macau, but it didn’t work out.”

Hyeri and Yura both replied, “We’ll be spending it with our families as well.”
The group concluded, “We’ll be releasing a new album in February, so please buy it and love each of us!”

YilinG at kpopn
去年出道的Girl's Day,雖然在出道不到一年內就經歷了團員的變化,但她們卻對於2011年有更大的抱負。

女孩們穿上了美麗韓服,她們在Sports Today段採訪當中透露了「即將在二月發布新專輯」的事,作為新成員的Yura和Hyeri也分別說「在新的一年裡,我會更努力展現我自己」、「作為一位新成員不能辜負大家的期望,為了下一張專輯我會努力」。

Girl’s Day加入兩名新成員 Yura (Kim Ah Young);Haeri (Lee Haeri)  Girls Day有成員要離團?

DreamTea Entertainment
So Jin(소진 隊長) 朴昭珍
Min Ah(민아) 房敏雅
Ji Sun(지선 編舞) 黃智善
Ji In(지인) 李智仁
Ji Hae(지해 Rapper) 于智海

由左至右:Ji In→Ji Hae→Ji Sun→Min Ah→So Jin

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