Catalog No. AVCD-38229
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/03/02
初回特典: application card (valid only in Japan), jacket sized card, music clip(s), and more (subject to change)

約2年ぶりとなるオリジナルFULL ALBUM!! 2009年~2010年の間にリリースしたSINGLE、MINI ALBUMの中から選りすぐりの名曲たちを収録したプレベスト盤とも言える豪華収録内容。DVDにはデビューからこれまでに制作した全てのMusic Clipを収録。

by Novaforever on December 24, 2010

Pop duo Moumoon has announced that they will be releasing a new full length album on March 2nd.

It has been almost two years since their last full length album, “Moumoon,” was released. For all of 2009 and 2010 the duo were focusing on singles and mini album releases, all of which will be collected for the currently untitled full length album.

Fans will have three different versions of the album to choose from; CD + DVD Jacket A, CD + DVD Jacket B, and CD regular. Jacket A will come with a DVD that contains a best PV collection of all their music video clips since their debut. Jacket B will come with a live DVD that features their September concert “FULL MOON LIVE SPECIAL 2010 ~Chuushuu no Meigetsu~.”

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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