日本流行教主濱崎步推出新輯「Love songs戀曲集」,發行首週就勇奪公信榜冠軍,出道至今已累積17張冠軍專輯,這次還刷新個人紀錄,創下日本樂壇連13年專輯奪冠的紀錄。
濱崎步與同門師弟AAA的團員浦田直合作發行的單曲「Dream ON」,也同樣名列公信榜單曲第1名。在睽違9年3個月後,再度為自己締造專輯和單曲雙雙稱霸公信榜的佳績。
Ayumi Hamasaki's new album & collaboration single top Oricon
by Shiso on December 28, 2010
Hamasaki Ayumi’s 12th original album, “Love songs” (released on December 22nd), sold 180,000 copies during the first week and topped the Oricon Weekly Album Chart for January 3rd.
Hamasaki also released a collaboration single, “Dream ON“, with AAA’s Urata Naoya under the name of “URATA NAOYA feat. ayumi hamasaki” on the same day, and it topped Oricon weekly single chart as well.
Hamasaki has been on top of Oricon charts four albums in a row (total 17 albums) since “A COMPLETE ~ALL SINGLES~” (released on September 2008), and with this album, she has broken her own record for having a #1 album in 13 consecutive years since the release of her first album in 1999.
Moreover, it’s been a year and eight months since a collaboration single has topped the Oricon single chart, after the single “It’s all Love!” last accomplished the feat as a collaboration between Koda Kumi and her sister, misono.
- Dec 29 Wed 2010 03:55
nippon 浜崎あゆみ、史上初の1stから13年連続アルバム首位 濱崎步新專輯奪冠 連13年稱霸日本