by GhostWriter on December 27, 2010
Earlier in the month, the pretty girls of After School 没有sans Bekah, who spent some vacation time back in her native Hawaii, released their album “Happy Pledis 1st Album.” The girls recently spent some time with Korean portal Telzone to 進行簡短的專訪conduct a brief interview along with a full photo shoot.
The girls look lovely in the photo shoot and check out the full interview below courtesy of afterschooldaze and pledisAStrans.
Raina and Nana revealed that they like to watch the drama “Secret Garden” during their spare time.
Nana revealed that she’s currently learning Japanese. She has watched the Japanese drama, “1 litre of tears”.
Jooyeon revealed that Bekah is good at cooking.
Raina thinks she’s prettiest if when she has her make up on.
Question[Q] : What do you think about this new concept (Happy pledis Concept) Please give details about this album.
Raina[R] : The Happy Pledis Album has a “Save Children” concept. We save the deprived children. Here we donate some of album sales. Also, I do my best to write lyrics.
Q: Is there any other member that also write the lyrics for this album?
R: Yeah, Kahi unnie wrote the song, “Someone Is You”
Kahi [K] : Yes, I am the one that wrote the song
Q: jooyeon-ssi you have been cast in a drama, are you feeling tired being an acctress?
Jooyeon[JY]: I felt a bit tired at first. I thought it wouldnt be as tiring. This is something new that I can show another side of me and that’s good. But i would say, I feel happy because of acting.
Q: When seeing Orange Caramel, Did you guys think you can do as good as them? Unnie-deul (to the older members)
K: I can’t do so. Indeed. <— not fully translated >_>
Q: Is there anything you guys want to do?
Lizzy [L] : I’d like to try being cast on a sitcom. I also want to be an MC
JY: I got so many things I want to do. I want to be on a variety show, I want to be cast in a movie, and I want to try acting with a different image
Q: is there any musical instrument you learned?
K: I play Piano, and now I’m learning guitar and composing music. <_< not fully translated
Jung Ah [JA]: Ah. I only thought about singing. I never thought about learning any part other part of music except singing.
Q: What gift do you guys want? (for christmas)
JY: boyfriend?
L: A whole days rest. Holiday? Perfect holiday is a whole day. 24 hours holiday.
K: Fans Love? (whit a sweet voice) I want to have their love ♡
Nana [N]: I want holiday with my family
Q to Nana: Where do you want to go with your family?
N: Wherever, it’s okay. I just want to go to warm place
Q to Nana: you don’t like the cold weather? .
N: Yes. I dont really like cold
JA:I want to go with Bekah. I want to go on vacation where Bekah is. (Hawaii)
U-ie [U]: I think similarly with Nana. I would pend time with family, a whole day with family, play baseball with my father, go an amusement park, Go to Jongdonjin island, now because i have driver license, i want to go to a trip with driving.
Q: who’s the most talkative on the dorm?
JY: We are all the same.
N: Because we are girls we spend the night chatting like everyday.
JA: Nana is the most talkative in the dorm.
Q: Who’s the cleanest member?
U: We always have a question like this and we always say there isn’t one.
Q: Who’s the tallest on group?.
JA: Nana.
U: I’m 171cm. Oh, Nana is also 171 cm tall?
N: Yes
Q: Ah Raina looks like the shortest member. What’s your height?
Raina [R]: 16…5
Q: If you had a boyfriend what would you like to do?
R: bungee jumping.
U: Driving and going to the beach.
JY: Travelling.
JA: As usual..lobster (eat lobster together.
K: Walking around.
L: Driving with my boyfriend.
Q: What do you do to relieve stress?
L: dongdaemu dongdaemun. (shopping)
R and U: music center to listen to songs.
JA: I go eat something delicious.
K: Listen to music and go shopping.
Q: If you had a chance to switch leaders, who would fit the leader role well?
AS members: Jungah Unnie!
JA: (laughing) Ah because of age? I’m seconnd oldest.
U: Also.. omma..your nickname is Omma. Kahi unnie is Appa, then Jung Ah unnie is Omma
Q: What is something you envy from all the members!
R: U-ie unnie skin.
JY: Kahi unnie abs.
JA: jooyeon’s face.
U: Raina’s vocal skill.
L: Raina unnie vocal skill.