EXILE - Each Other's Way - Tabi no Tochu - [CD+DVD]
Catalog No. RZCD-46828
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/02/09
EXILE has announced that they will be releasing a new single, titled “Each Other’s Way ~Tabi no Tochuu~“, on February 9th.
It will be released as two different versions, CD+DVD version and only CD version, and it was also revealed that the lyrics for the song were written by ATSUSHI.
EXILE史上最高に気持ちイイ、感動の新次元サウンド完成! 女性ファンはもちろん、男性ファンにもヒット間違いなしの、今までのEXILEとは違った新サウンド! ATSUSHI作詞の歌詞にも注目! DVDには「Each Other's Way ~旅の途中~」(PV)収録。