之前來往于南韓和日本一直都在活動,在日本、南韓都舉行過演唱會,成員們各自都有過個人活動。因為不願意多想其他的事情,所以每個人都專注于個人活動,一直努力著要忙起來” (有天)
在他們作為東方神起活動的時期,所屬公司SM是個很大的圍墻。但去年他們下了很大的決心,告別了所屬公司。雖然目前還有各種說法,但官司還在繼續的現 在,他們彼此依靠,寄望著未來。在遇見現在的經紀公司之前,他們也並不是說沒有過空白期。直到去年,因為有日本所屬公司avex在打理,所以在日本是繼續 做了活動。
“當然現在的情況和那時並沒有什麼不同,那時候對我們來說,沒有說話的機會,也需要謹慎。在國內是處於盲目徬徨的時期。主 動和記者見面也是困難的情況。尤其是,哪怕是一句話都可能遭到誤解或挨批的狀況。張嘴的話,結果只會是給很多人帶來傷口。等日後所有官司結束後,或許可以 說吧”(在中)
發表新專輯的JYJ以重新開始為寓意專輯名稱定為(The Beginning)。在美國的showcase由於簽證問題,收費公演變成了免費公演,但卻成了轉禍為福的契機。
“真的沒想到會有那麼多不同膚色的歌迷來看我們的演出,加上各個年齡層的歌迷聚集,看到了像邁克傑克遜這樣的流行歌手的演唱會上出現的場面。剛開始的時候,也有些觀眾不認識我們而發懵,但慢慢融入音樂,最後豎起了拇指。確實和亞洲的歌迷是不一樣的氛圍” (俊秀)
前陣子,製造很多電視劇廢人、高人氣中結束的KBS2月火劇《成均館羅曼史》,有天在確定出演後集中訓練1個月,結果,身為偶像歌手錶現出了驚人的演 技。沒有引起大部分歌手要經歷的演技爭議。儘管對他本人來說可能有過不少壓力,但在這個過程中完成了專輯製作。以後,他們會更加專注于美國的活動。
“在美國還沒有正式發專輯,只在iTunes公開了音源,就入選了今年Billboard讀者選出的好歌top10中的第5位。Kanye West是第10位,Lady Gaga是第7位,我們也驚呆了。”
俊秀將從2月1號開始站在舞臺,因為要出演音樂劇《天國的眼淚》。和個人活動一起,JYJ將在1月中旬,在美國正式發售專輯,全球巡演也在構思中。對於 因上述工作行程而會充分忙碌的JYJ,最後問了一個多少會沉重的問題“不管將來官司進展如何,對於SM和東方神起其他成員是怎樣的想法”,預料中的躊躇, 但說出了簡短卻有力的一句話寄望了未來“有和解的想法,只是不知道會是在什麼時候”,然而,此和解不應擴大理解為三子回SM,而是取決於SM是不是願意讓 步,讓5個人一起活動。
JYJ talks about Yunho and Changmin, Japan, and changes
Source: JoongAng
by VITALWARNING on December 21, 2010
Ever since the announcement of JYJ splitting from SM Entertainment on July 31, 2009, both the members of TVXQ and their fans have been riding a long roller coaster with numerous ups and downs along the way. After revealing their new album, ‘The Beginning’, last October, the JYJ trio has become increasingly confident about expressing the thoughts they’ve kept to themselves this past year.
- You won the Golden Disk Awards twice in your careers (2006, 2008), did you watch this year’s awards show?
“We watched it. It made us reminisce about our past, as well as feel new emotions. It’s already been two years since we stood up on that stage. We’ve carefully stored away our Golden Disk platinum medal.” (Yoochun)
- We’ve heard that Hero Jaejoong is popular amongst Japanese female celebrities. There were even rumors about him being in a relationship with one.
“All those articles about relationships are just fiction. It’s true that I get along with the Japanese female stars, but there isn’t one that I’m in a relationship with. Japan is different from Korea in that their celebrities all comfortably get along privately. I’m close with Hamasaki Ayumi, which is probably where the relationship rumors came from.” (Jaejoong)
“Jaejoong has everything Japanese girls like about guys. He has cute and sexy charms all in one body. But in real life, he doesn’t have a girlfriend.” (Yoochun)
- Korean artists seem to be popular in Japan.
“The status of Korean artists in Japan have increased to their advantage. Korean singers are becoming acknowledged for their dancing, singing, and looks. It’s not just their skills, but they also admire Korean males for their nice bodies and being able to drink alcohol well.” (Jaejoong)
- You’ve worked so hard in Japan for how many years, but you’re unable to promote.
“We predicted that there would be difficulties along the way. We’re just thankful that we were able to even release an English album. We’re disappointed, but all we’re hoping for is to get everything solved so we can meet our fans again.” (Junsu)
- What warranted you to withdraw from the team, even when you knew it would be hard? You knew there would be a possibility of people pointing at you for betrayal.
“Up until we made our decision, we lived in chaos for over a year. At the time, there were a lot of speculations regarding business and revenue shares, but we only have one answer. We thought about how we would answer ourselves if we were to ask, “Were we really happy?”, later in life. From the moment we realized we would answer, “I don’t think so”, there was no point of us hesitating any longer. We are sorry for everyone who supported us and helped us, but we put down the decision that we couldn’t do this to our own lives anymore.” (Junsu)
- But it wouldn’t have been easy to make that decision at the peak of your careers.
“We were prepared to face the possibility of not being able to be sing again. If we weren’t prepared to that extent, we wouldn’t have had enough courage to make that decision. We even thought of going to the countryside to build and live on a farm. We also thought this would turn into a 10 year long fight.” (Junsu)
“It’s true. We all knew our celebrity lives could end. We didn’t even have hope of doing well. I thought of selling my house in Seoul to live in the countryside.” (Yoochun)
- There are a lot of mountains you must get over, like not being able to go on broadcast.
“Even though we get criticized a lot at the beginning, doesn’t it get better later on? It’s hard when problems keep surfacing, but we’re learning how to win over them. When something bad explodes, I turn off my internet and don’t even read articles. Even though it’s a bad situation, we try to be positive. Being pessimistic just because we’re sad makes the people around us even more stressed. That’s why I write up fun messages on my Twitter and try to communicate with our fans.” (Jaejoong)
- Do you still keep in contact with SM’s Yunho and Changmin?
“We’re really sad that we can’t. We’re not saying that just because we left the company it means we left the members too… We watched their album teaser for the January comeback. We honestly hope they will do well.” (Jaejoong)
- You three members must have become more independent.
“We didn’t have a lot of time together because of our busy schedules, but after our concert last month, us three went on a nationwide trip. We traveled from Kangwon-do to Busan in two weeks. We rode yachts and went to find the nation’s best restaurants. We found out that Junsu has a lot of popularity in the countryside.” (Yoochun)
- When does TVXQ shine the most?
“We hope we can shine even more when the five of us are together. We’re open to the idea, although we’re not sure when that will happen…” (Yoochun)
- Do you have any special plans for Christmas?
“None of us have girlfriends… I think us three will be getting together for some soju.”