X JAPAN to sing for Tezuka Osamu’s new anime film
by Shiso on December 16, 2010
X JAPAN will be singing a theme song for upcoming anime film 「手塚治虫のブッダ -赤い砂漠よ!美しく-」“Tezuka Osamu no Buddha -Akai Sabaku yo! Utsukushiku-“. As the title of the film says, “Tezuka Osamu no Buddha -Akai Sabaku yo! Utsukushiku-” is originally a manga “Buddha” drawn by “God of Mnaga”, Tezuka Osamu, and this will be the very first time for the manga to get a film adaptation. The anime film will be released as a trilogy, and the first part is set to be released on May 28th 2011.
The theme song is titled “Scarlet Love Song“, and it’s a ballad song. YOSHIKI commented, “I have always loved animation since I was little, so I’m very happy to participate in this.” The song will be released next year, but no details have been revealed yet. Starting December 23rd, the movie trailer using “Scarlet Love Song” will be aired at theaters.
(C) 2011「手塚治虫のブッダ」製作委員会
映画は3部構成の作品として上映予定。5月公開の第1部では、後にブッダとなる青年・シッダールタの青春時代が描かれる。なお、12月23日からは「Scarlet Love Song」を使用した予告編が各劇場で上映される。